The Holy Spirit convicts of everything in a Christian's life. He in interested in every aspect! How sad it would be to think that God had better things to do than care about me and my life.
On the one hand, I can't believe that anyone could be so self-absorbed. On the other, your deity must be concerned about you, since it's completely missed the boat on the Holocaust, the tsunami, and starvation.
So, your God only concerns himself with you personally? So that justifies his apathy towards war, famine, disease, child molestation, rape, discrimination, and other injustices?
Didn't ancient Greeks have local tribal & household gods? Is that what you have going?
Jesus is stalking me!
Seriously, I'm fine. Aren't there more pressing issues he can attend to: wars, famines, plagues, and such?
Debbie, dear, why do you think you're sooo special?, there are 6 thousand million people in the world, some of them starving, in wars or just in a far worse situation than you. Pride is a sin, not just holding hands with somebody who is not your husband.
And lo! The LORD did speak in answer, and he said.
"Yea, Mrs. Debbie, thou shalt stop interrupting Friends with thy vainglorious posturings. Also, you make my son cry."
Well ... if we assume that God really IS omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and the Ultimate Multitasker, then this statement makes sense.
Of all the arrogant, egotistical, self-centered, and idiotic statements, this one really ticks me off. What the hell makes you worth watching over when there are millions of people who are not only more deserving of personal attention from a loving deity, but are also suffering far more than you ever will? There is no god. No one is watching over you. You are alone in this universe except for those people you choose to keep around you, so choose well and learn to accept the hard and lonely truth as other rational people have.
What the hell makes you worth watching over when there are millions of people who are not only more deserving of personal attention from a loving deity, but are also suffering far more than you ever will?
I think you misunderstand her statement.
She's not saying that she wants God to pay attention to her at the expense of paying attention to others.
She's saying that God can pay complete attention to everything at once, and that she never has to worry about God having "better things to do" because God's doing those better things at the same time too.
I don't know about this one. If there was a god, I'd like her to care about me (well, not about me while I'm in the loo, but about me and humanity and the planet generally, because omniscience has its advantages). But since it's Mrs Debbie? God *so* has better things to do than care about her and her little cult.
Besides, we all know those decendants of Ham, those "Darkies" if you will, aren't real christians, therefore your god would have no interest in them except to further torture them.
God is interested in every aspect of your life? So he's right there watching when you take a dump, analysing every little piece of faecal matter and counting how many pieces of toilet paper you use?
I'd rather believe in a deity who'll let me use the loo in privacy, thanks.
David S.
Debbie, God is far too busy with picking the winners of award shows to be bothered with you.
He's also busy making NFL middle linebackers screw up so that the opposing running back can score a touchdown.
Mrs. Debbie?
Go get a life. A grown (debatable) woman such as you shouldn't spend as much time as you do on a website.
You know, with kids and stuffs.
I'm sure God pays a lot of attention to you. I'm also sure that he must've missed analyzing your skull for gray-matter.
Because at the moment, I don't think you have any.
Sorry, Mrs. Debbie, Jesus is too busy just hanging out with the gays, ethnic minorities, and feminists.
Over Inflated Ego Award?
Debbie, sorry to break the sad news to you, but God says that it isn't all about you, he says to go out and get a life because he does have better things to do than cater to you all the time.
I can see this person chattering merrily how they went all the way to the store and they were out of their preferred brand of corn flakes, while God sits at the table, resting one elbow on the table with his cheek in his palm, staring glazedly into the distance and steadily repeating "Uh-huh".
"How sad it would be to think that God had better things to do than care about me and my life."
At least an absentee father can be tracked down ('Child Support'). Even an absentee landlord (police).
...nope, not seeing that 'God' of yours. Truth hurts, doesn't it, bitch.
“How sad it would be to think that God had better things to do than care about me and my life.”
Yes. That’s the secret to happiness. The Supreme Cosmic Power pays attention to me ,and notes every time i swear, masturbate, or cheat on my wife. But if i’m ever at the mall when shooting breaks out, this caring, all-powerful being does fuck-all.
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