mikitta #fundie rr-bb.com

The night I finally accepted Jesus as Savior, a friend and I went to a restaurant we frequented. There was a picture of a baby in a papoose on the wall. We had seen it innumerable times. It was actually a cute picture and I often noticed it because it was on the wall right near the restrooms. Until this night, I never gave it a thought. On this night, when we entered our booth, I noticed the picture leering at me. Not just following me with it's eyes, it had taken on some dimension and it was grinning evily at me and leering. My friend saw it too. The leering would follow me all the way to the bathroom, then would start as soon as I broke the plane of the wall and came from the hallway where the bathrooms were. The booth was also extra cold - maybe a good 10 degrees colder than the rest of the restaurant. We ate our food then headed out to my friend's truck to take a drive. What ever that thing was, and I do believe it was a demon, followed us and entered the truck with us. As we drove, it tried to enter me. I cried out to God in that hour, I was saved, and that thing left, hightailed it out of there.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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