Liberals who would drop dead before admitting that Darwin and Marx slaughtered millions in the last century, and puddin-headed tube babies who think that if we would all just adopt St. Darwin like good little Vulcans, we'd all be living on the Starship Enterprise by now.... all in a quivery, cheeto-and-sweatstained rage because the bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, fascism, and dogmatic stupidity of their anti-Church have been put on public display.
I've seen lemmings, lab rats and roosters with less predictable responses.
"I've seen lemmings, lab rats and roosters with less predictable responses."
Maybe so, but does predictability make a response wrong or just obvious?
Since Darwin didn't slaughter anyone, I guess Liberals would drop dead before saying he did. You prattle on about ignorance, yet your post drips with it.
While you're at it, pass that joint this way, k?
FACT: Neither Marx nor Darwin lived in the last century.
I do not have the time to waste on rubbish by people who cannot get even their basic opening statement factually correct. The remainder is bound the be equally as erroneous.
Has anyone even been killed as a result of misinterpreting Darwin's ideas? I guess it's possible seeing the way fundies think survival of the fittest works, but I can't recall any specifics.
Also, look up teh words bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, fascism, and dogma as you clearly don't know what they mean.
"quivery, cheeto-and-sweatstained rage because the bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, fascism, and dogmatic stupidity of their anti-Church have been put on public display. "
". . . I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work."
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
- Adolf Hitler, 1933 speech in Berlin
Do you feel quivery rage yet?
He's confused Marx, Darwin and Star Trek? lolwut?
@Nic: I think the question is: "What the fuck are you ON?"
Neither Darwin nor Marx killed anyone. People who took their ideas and twisted them for their own sadistic or racist purposes did.
I'm no sure what evolution has to do with the development of space ships or an alien race, considering that our knowledge of it comes from this planet.
Bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, fascism, and dogmatic stupidity.
Mirror, Mirror award, anybody?
Um, who did Darwin slaughter? I'd think if it were millions, it would be known fact and not just something some fundie can dig up in his tracts. Marx, too? Gee, ya' think ya' know someone...
As for the rest - what the fuck? Please, stop the acid. It is not good for you, or society.
Since Darwin and Marx didn't slaughter anyone. Moreover, since they never even ORDERED to slaughter anyone, the fanatic, arrogant, ignorant and dogmatic is you.
Darwin and Marx didn't kill anyone. One was a scientist, one was a philosopher.
The rest of this is just ranting word salad.
I fixed part of it:
"puddin-headed tube babies from FUNDIE parents"
Around these parts, well at least what I've seen from being around the local gigantic teaching hospital, it isn't the intelligent, even minded people who are desperate for "tube babies". It's the "oh my god! If I don't push out a dozen kids god won't let me into heaven because I'm not a good woman!" That's why we get so many stupid multiple births, they believe in test tube babies, but not "abortion" to leave only one viable clump of cells. (The fatality rate is alarming, set of five died while I was working there. Every baby born died. WTF doesn't cover it.)
Funny, the Drs who can't have kids go to adopt... Strange...
Indeed, most people would predictably claim that 1+1=2 and that the Earth does in fact revolve around the sun. A lemming, on the other hand, might argue that neither of the above statements is true.
Maybe if you started actually applying Darwin's theories to wild animals, rather than people, they would make sense. Underneath pretty flowers and sunsets and mountain views, the natural world isn't exactly a nice place.
@Miri: Oh, and that Duggar lady's pregant again. =_=
"Darwin and Marx slaughtered millions in the last century"
I now have the image in my head of a white-bearded Charles Darwin encased in a missile-equipped Robocop suit, laying waste to peasants and soldiers in the countryside.
Which, you have to admit, would look pretty cool.
Oh hell, I'm a good little Vulcan. Very logical, and I've got the eyebrow thing down pat. Yeah, so at least I have the eyebrow thing, working on the frontal lobes still.
As far as Darwin or Marx killing people...WTF. Marx himself said he wasn't a "Marxist" (which I believe was a system used to oppress? amiright?) and he looked down on people who adopted Marxism. I've also never heard of Darwin killing people, though some may have used his theories as "excuses" for doing so...
...but by that turn, millions more have used GAWD AWMIGHTEH as an excuse, as well.
Actually, without the Christian Dark Ages, which lasted fir centuries, where no scientific advances of any significance occurred, we probably would have been living of the Starship Enterprise by now.
Liberals, Darwin, Marx, mass murder, the last century, scientific advancement, Vulcans, spacecraft, cheetos, sweatstains, rage, bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, fascism, dogma, stupidity, Church, public display, lemmings, lab rats, roosters, and predictability do not work that way.
Darwin and Marx...?
Okay, fine, so people INSPIRED by Darwin and Marx killed people. But you take the cake, buddy.
Your Jesus is a worse mass murderer then Freddie, Jason, the Grim Reaper, and Galactus Devourer of Worlds combined! He's killed, like, EVERYBODY in the last two thousand years.
Yeah, that mirror sure is shiny, isn't it...and you shows you the stuff you may not want to see, just as easily as the stuff you like.
RH Junior's main redeeming point is that he's a passable cartoonist. Unfortunately, the cartoons themselves are rife with this kind of nonsense and largely unreadable as a result. Pity. PS: Junior, would you care to point out where the Soviets killed in the name of Darwin and/or Marx, as opposed to in the name of the Communist Party, which just happened to be Marxist? It's on about the same level, as say, Timothy McVeigh just happening to be Christian and a terrorist, or say, the Pope being Christian (Catholics are Christians too, just saying), and denying any kind of AIDS-preventative measures, resulting in equally high death tolls. Through direct ignorance, I might add.
You've never had anything new to add, Junior, and you're still an embarassment to an already socially awkward fandom.
Liberals who would drop dead before admitting that Darwin and Marx slaughtered millions in the last century.
-and puddin-headed tube babies who think that if we would all just adopt St. Darwin like good little Vulcans, we'd all be living on the Starship Enterprise by now.
-all in a quivery, cheeto-and-sweatstained rage because the bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, fascism, and dogmatic stupidity of their anti-Church have been put on public display.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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