> Anyone who isn’t raising their children in a Christian home should have their children taken away,
And where, pray tell, would you put these children?
I mean, besides some nebulous facts that they should be put into Christian families. Who would take them? How would you arrange this thing? How do you ensure Christian families give attention to random children who are thrust to their care? I mean, I'm sure some families would love to have another child, even if it's not theirs, but you can't ensure all of them end up in good homes, can you?
Don't propose crap like this unless you've thought of the implications.
...wait, thinking of the implications is one of those evil Wiccan ideas that should be avoided at any cost by true Christians. Fundies know the Earth is fucked and Rapture is near, so there's no reason to think of the practical consequences of any actions. Just go spout hot air about politics. That's all that matters.
> it is mental, emotional and spiritual abuse.
<%= $stock_jokes['preaching about hellfire'] %>
> Period. End of discussion. Case closed.
You've made your point. Your implications are easily understood. The narrative of your post ties up all points admirably and your rhetoric leaves nothing unclear to a savvy reader.
But I try not to embellish my writing quite like this. =)