I meh'd this one.
The Bible, the Koran, the Torah - all worthless "books". No, scratch that - they're not completely useless: you can still burn them for warmth.
What separates liberal Christians and Dominionists is degree and not kind.
Dominionists want to stone atheists like me to death (like it says in the Bible), and liberal Christians keep trying to explain to me how THAT is "just parable" or "no longer apply cuz JESUS!".
If anything, the Dominionists are the "true Christians", because while they may be bigoted psychopaths, at least they're reading a genocidal book of batshit doctrines like a genocidal book of batshit doctrines and not trying to somehow reconcile those outdated, barbaric, Bronze-Age "philosophies" with modernity, the Enlightenment, secularism, and science, like liberal Christians futilely attempt to do.
That said, I would never equate a Dominionist to a liberal Christian. In fact, I have friends who are liberal Christians (and I have made the above positions of mine known to them). Sure, they're reading the same ancient book of illiterate lies, but at least they're not calling for people to be shot for lying about their virginity like the fundies are.