What's next, the Health Benefits of Mercury?
Regardless of the new 'scientific' consensus on the safety of vaccines, the idiocy of injecting a known poison into a newborn with an undeveloped immune system cannot be overstated.
Not to mention the idiocy of thinking the immune system has anything to do with mercury. It's a metal you moron, not a bacteria. One would almost think you have been ingesting it, if you weren't a fundie.
Eh, not really fundie. But this is always a "hot" topic.
And I don't think anyone includes thimerosal in childhood vaccines anymore. It's still in many flu shots, but nothing your newborn would receive. You should really keep up with the latest news on your own talking points.
Not fundie, but these anti-vaxxers are just as stupid. I wish they could all be isolated on an island somewhere, reveling in their diseases, leaving the rest of us alone.
If a child's undeveloped immune system is exposed to easily prevented diseases, it will have a much harder time fighting them off. If your so worried about dousing the kid too heavily, spread the vaccinations out over several months.
There is no connection between autism and vaccination. That scare was sooo early 90s.
This argument, as it stands, is about as informed a critique as denouncing table salt because it's got chlorine in it.
A toxic element does not automatically make all compounds that contain it toxic. The immune system eliminates biological pathogens and, as far as I know, has nothing to do with the removal of chemical poisons. The particular compound about which the current hysteria is centred, Thiomersal, has no scientifically proven link to autism and no proven toxicity to humans in the doses used, not least because the biological half-life is comparatively short - it leaves the body in a matter of days.
In any case, thiomersal is no longer even used in most vaccines; it was phased out years ago (1999 in America), partially in an attempt to quell the irrational panic about it - which just goes to show how little some people understand mob psychology, as the irrational fear still seems to persist despite the virtual elimination of its original focus. Only this year, John McCain said, regarding autism, "there's strong evidence that indicates that it's got to do with a preservative in vaccines" obviously exploiting and encouraging the residual moral panic, despite the fact that a) Thiomersal has already been eliminated from US vaccines, and b) there is no such evidence.
Wow, how slowly is the queue moving? I must have submitted this quote at least several weeks ago, if not a month.
And I'm sorry, not fundy. I saw the anti-science attitude and automatically limped him/her in with the religious fundies.
If you knew how vaccines worked, you wouldn't splatter your idiocy all over the internet. That cannot be overstated.
However, I don't consider this fundie, as there's not really any mention of religion.
Event Horizon is an oddly fitting name, as this person appears to be an intelligence black hole.
This isn't really fundie, though.
Oh, FFS, millions of children are vaccinated and what, like, four (tops) out of those millions have problems from the vaccines.
Just wait till your kids come home with Whooping Cough, Measles, or Influenza.
"You presume to make a ship sail against the winds and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck?!
I have no time for such nonsense."
--Napoleon, on the steam engine.
ALL medicines are "known poisons".
You take aspirin don't you?
So shut the hell up. We know what we are doing. Anything that affects your body in a way beyond its normal performance is a poison and can be bad for you.
That being said the relative risk of autism is far outweighed by the actual risk of dying horribly because you are a dumbass and actually spreading your disease amongst other people causing more deaths because of mindless hysteria.
EVEN if one child gets autism due to the MMR vaccine per 100 inocculations. The sheer number of lives saved outweighs the tragedy of the single child. (So far its alleged that roughly 1 in 10,000 get it...)
This IS fundie. Very very clearly so.
"I don't see any evidence that this is a religious fundamentalist."
Who said anything about religious?
Also, FMG, there is no link between autism and MMR. None.
I'm also against loading up a 50ml syringe full of mercury and injecting it in to infants.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, the mercury that Event Horizon is on about is chemically bound in the vaccine isn't it?
"Quit huffing paint flakes, EH. I guess this idiot's head would explode if he knew weakened versions of the viruses they are preventing are used in some vaccines."
Oh, no, I'm sure he's quite aware of that. Probably one of the reasons he is against having bunches of them injected in his baby all at once.
I am sick of hearing "anti-vaxxers" (cute term) called stupid or accused of not doing research. What makes you so sure they haven't? There's a reason that my children are unvaccinated, and research has an awful lot to do with it. There are more studies out there than the government and your doctors are trying to spoon feed you. And yeah, go ahead and put this comment in CTSTDT if you want. My children are happy, healthy, and unimmunized, and they will stay that way. They are not going to be guinea pigs, or collateral damage in some plan to create herd immunity in the rest of the population.
And "anti-vaxxers" have been around since long before the thimerosal thing came out, and yes, we know they have removed it, but thimerosal was only the tip of the iceberg .
Proud Anti-Vaxxer, you sound remarkably like the anonymous person who chimed in against herd immunity on the HPV thread recently. If it is you, you never answered my question; if you're someone else, I'll post it here again, since it applies equally well. Please don't interpret this as a mere insult; I genuinely want to know what your response is.
Your remarks imply that you have little or no understanding of what herd immunity actually is, which causes me to seriously doubt your claim to have rigorously researched the subject. Did you know that the main reason your unimmunised children are not at very significant risk from the hideous effects of, say, meningitis, is because most other people do vaccinate their children? Your argument seems to imply that you believe the risk of your children being harmed by a vaccination is, today, greater than the risk of them catching and being harmed by the disease it prevents, but this is only true because mass vaccination has passed the herd immunity barrier and caused a vast reduction in the ability of the disease to spread through a population. If everybody took your stance, herd immunity would cease and suddenly the risk of the disease would again massively exceed the risks of the vaccine. Are you content, then, to refuse to take a mild risk when everyone else taking that same mild risk is the only reason that your refusal doesn't put your children at a far greater one?
And "anti-vaxxers" have been around since long before the thimerosal thing came out, and yes, we know they have removed it, but thimerosal was only the tip of the iceberg.
Just what is your ultimate goal, then? The abolishment of vaccinations altogether? Have you ever seen an iron lung?
Was thiomersal just the thin end of the wedge, to borrow a term from the creationists?
Not remotely fundy. Who approves these things?
If you cannot see or understand how antivaxxers are as dangerously and violently stupid as religious fundies (if not moreso), then you sir are a moron.
So in other words, you're saying that, no matter what the reality is, you're just right. Yes, very mature.
the idiocy of injecting a known poison into a newborn with an undeveloped immune system cannot be overstated.
Neither can the risk of your child dying of an easily-preventable disease like measles, polio, diphtheria or whooping cough. Which is much, much, MUCH greater than the risk posed by modern vaccines.
Isn't oxygen a known poison too? Should we avoid newborns being subjected to that toxic substance as well?
"I call not fundamentalist. I know several rabid left-wingers on the anti-science side of this debate."
Fundamentalism isn't restricted to right-wing nuts or religious nuts. It comes in all sizes and shapes, sadly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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