See Noevo: “Thou Shalt Not Be Gay” No. More like ‘A man shalt not have sex with another man, nor a woman with another woman.’ (cf. Rom 1:26-27)
HudBud: I don't know what's more mind blowing, the fact you got the verses mixed up or that it warranted likes.
See Noevo: "I don't know what's more mind blowing..." Poor guy. You must have blowing on your mind.
Rom 1:26-27
Since I don't know the Bible by heart, I looked up Rom 1:26-27.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.
So if God "gave them over" to the lusts, then it's ok, right? ;-)
Hey, if the fundies God did that, then I can't help it! Not my fault that his "free will is the most important thing for me" statement only applies to not stopping evil, but obviously according to fundies not to messing with peoples sexuality and then shaming them for his own actions.
Man, fundies really believe that Gods most important issue is sexuality in one way or the other, don't they. It seems all the other stuff in the new testament is pretty irrelevant for them (like being charitable, feeding the poor, being compassionate etc.). Abortion and homosexuality are evil, that seems to be all they get from the bible, which is hillarious and stupid at the same time.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.
So if God "gave them over" to the lusts, then it's ok, right? ;-)
...and you win the thread right from the start.
As there's no mention of gender in that specific part of the Bible, therefore - as Revelation 22:18 says - your 'interpretation' will result in your eternal damnation, OP.
Noevo failed at his Bible
Or that an unbeliever knows it better
checkmate certainly does. No fundie ever will.
Because if they did, they wouldn't be fundies. No 'Interpretation', 'Context' or Cherrypicking allowed.
Well, I was actually joking a little. Without having looked it up in the original or in the Greek grammar, I think one can safely assume that "gave them over" is not to be understood in a transitive, causative, fientic sense, i.e. actively pushing the objects into a certain state or behavior. It's certainly intransitive, i.e. "left them on their own", "gave them up", "abandoned them" and leaving them without divine protection against 'sinning'.
Still, it is rather amusing to interpret the passage as seeing God "make them into" sinners and I'm sure 80% of fundies would be totally at a loss to argue against it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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