This is just pure bullsh**, what religion creates T shirts, ipod covers? I don’t see people wearing T shirts saying “Christianity”, or Ipod covers with the cross on it. This is a scam, you people need to get out more.
That can't be sincere. That has to be intended as sarcastic irony.
Right? I mean, nobody could really...
Aw, damn.
Quick google stats:
Christian T-shirts gives 15,300,000 hits.
Christian ipod covers has 259,000.
FSM T-Shirts gives 41,800.
FSM ipod covers has 37,300.
You FAIL even on your own fucking terms. Moron.
The state of SC is trying to make license plates. Plus its always you assholes with your Jesus Saves bumper stickers, shirts, chick tracks, 1,000,000 bills and other idiocy to make simple people fall for your shit.
I bet you watch NASCAR don't you.
This is just pure bullsh**, what religion creates T shirts, ipod covers theme parks, multi-million dollar cathedrals, or animatronic dinosaur displays?
I don’t see people wearing T shirts saying “Christianity” small electric chair charms, or Ipod covers with the cross rack on it.
There are people who are selling just about anything they can mass-produce with the "holy logo" on it. And enough gullible consumers to make them very rich.
There is an incredible lot you don't see, some1.
"This is just pure bullsh**, what religion creates T shirts, ipod covers? I don’t see people wearing T shirts saying “Christianity”, or Ipod covers with the cross on it. This is a scam, you people need to get out more."
Never seen the oh so clever bumper stickers that tie in to your religion? How about Jesus Fish decals, shirts, pins, earrings, tie clips, cuff links, etc? Jewelery of all sorts with a cross design?
Your religion, despite supposedly being non-materialistic according to the rules of your Jesus, has more merchandising bullshit going for it than Disney does. Christianity isn't about Christ, it's about the All Mighty Dollar.
I see fundie t-shirts all the time, and I live in a blue sate! I can't imagine what it's like in a fundie red stae. What's more, I've even seen religious slogans in Spanish and Portuguese around my neighborhood.
"I don’t see people wearing T shirts saying “Christianity”, or Ipod covers with the cross on it"
I... see that all the time, but would rather buy the FSM stuff.
Menace to Sobriety wrote:
"Oh hell, I remember a religious friend of the family wearing a T-shirt with 'Flee from sexual immorality' emblazoned upon it in big friendly cursive letters..."
I'll bet it was written right across her tits, to draw attention to them, too.
Some of the best vitriol can be found on the FSM boards. It's a riot.
P.S.: If there was a Jeebus Gelaskin, I'd probably buy it.
"Jesus fish? Crucifix necklaces? Just because your merchandise isn't tacky doesn't mean it isn't merchandise."
The crucifixes, maybe not, but those Jesus fish _are_ tacky.
You don't look very hard, do you.
I ran the word Christian through Cafe Press. I got 116,000 designs on 1,970,000 products, and thats only at one online store.
There are LOTS of Christian t-shirt out there.
And the FSM is a joke, and the T-shirts are intended to be humourous.
"Jesus fish? Crucifix necklaces? Just because your merchandise isn't tacky doesn't mean it isn't merchandise."
The crucifixes, maybe not, but those Jesus fish _are_ tacky.
Depends which crucifixes you're talking about...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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