I believe that the Authorized King James Bible of 1611 is the perfect, pure and inspired word of God. (Psalm 12:6-7). I believe that there was inspiration from God involved with the translation of the King James Version. (2 Timothy 3:16) Anything in the King James Version that may seem like it disagrees with the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts corrects the Greek and Hebrew. I do not believe in finding out the meanings of Greek or Hebrew words. The King James Bible is perfect in English, and to try to correct it with the Greek is adding our own private interpretations to Scripture.
I really admire the courage with which you battle against truth and reality, Kathy-Anne.
If only you could channel that courage and conviction to ending poverty or to saving starving children or curing cancer and AIDS, or establishing world peace or ...
corrects the Greek and Hebrew
So... the Bible wasn't the inerrant Word of God (TM) until it was mistranslated in the 17th century?
Which means that 1500 years of Christians were in danger of hellfire b/c they committed heresies due to lack of knowledge...? Wow, God is a real prick.
"Anything in the King James Version that may seem like it disagrees with the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts corrects the Greek and Hebrew."
Absolutely! And Shakespeare is most true to the original when read into a dictaphone, transcribed into Polish, copied fifty times by hand by different people, translated into Spanish, copied fifty times(again by different people) and finally translated into Hindi and leather-bound with a pretty ribbon.
"I do not believe in finding out the meanings of Greek and Hebrew words"
Yes, yes. Integrate a personal preference into a belief system. It's not like another one will make you more messed up.
The Hebrew and Greek versions were first, you blithering idiot. Jesus spoke in Aramaic, not English. If he spoke in English, he wouldn't have been comprehensible since English as King James knew it did not exist . *gasp*
Katy-Anne's next paragraph starts:
'I believe that God is a trinity (three persons in one) consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.'
Odd. As the concept of 'The Trinity' is a fourth century doctrine not mentioned in the Bible she's already adding her own interpretation to scripture.
So...the King James translation wasn't some dickheads adding their own private interpretations to scripture? And using the original words from the original texts to debunk some of the crazy shit those dickheads put in your holy book is somehow blasphemous?
Methinks this is a clear case of Katy-Anne denying everyone else's reality and substituting her own.
I Like how she's she's listing bible verses as if they say "this is proof of my claim, a citation if you must"
Let's see....
With the others I must concur
Prognosis : FAIL
I've mentioned this before but I feel the need to say it again.
I bet it's a pretty safe assumption Katy-Anne here doesn't like gays. King James was gay, you have the name of a famous homosexual on the cover of your precious bable.
I must join some of these forums and point this out to some fundies to see what their come back is.
So the first Christians, the ones Independent Fundamentalist Baptists say their denomination came directly from, had incorrect scriptures. All their doctrines and writings were based on flawed texts. The conversions they made were faulty.
It takes some nerve to claim that the original authors were wrong.
Wow. I want to think this is a poe, but I have met mentally deranged people like this. Facts are evil, I believe God will rescue me cause I am special, etc. I should try to feel pity, but it's not coming naturally.
So, there were No True Christians until 1611?
Oh, right... Katy-Anne actually believes Jesus and his disciples spoke Elizabethan English. (And yet, fundies don't... odd, that.)
And you accuse "liberals" of cherry-picking and customising Christianity to suit themselves?
Holy shit, you people are stupid. Engage with your holy book on a critical, intellectual level for a change. You'll get a whole lot more out of life once you realise you're blindly following something that is not really worth your time.
KJB-only logic : Jesus and Paul and the others were all using and quoting from faulty Greek and Hebrew scripture, so God came along 1,500 years later and made sure Tyndale corrected it while translating it into Elizabethan English. Then He told people to burn Tyndale at the stake for translating the sacred word into heathen English.
Yeah. That makes sense. [/sarcasm]
Saint Paul came from a Greek CIty (Tarsus), spoke Greek and wrote in Greek. So by your logic, Katy-Ann, he's all wrong as he didn't speak a language that hadn't yet been developed. That means that all of the Bible NT is all wrong. And translating it into Eleizabethan/Jacobean English won't help that. Besides, it was really only a makeover of the Wyclif stuff of 150 years previously, so the KJV is hardly inspired, unless by Wyclif.
You are talking caca di toro, I'm afraid. Get some learning and some understanding and then, maybe, we can discuss this thing intelligently. No. Dear, from books. Not from preacher. He's obviously an ignorant gobshite if he lets you believe as you do.
The KJV is great, Katy-Anne. It's great, great, great. Geezus, could we move along now, please?
I will ask the obvious question here. Why would a loving and perfect God allow such a thing as an incorrect version to exist for over a thousand years? If the perfect God-approved version was written in English in 1611, are the millions of Christians and Jews who followed earlier versions in hell from disobeying because of an imperfect Bible?
I believe that the Authorized King James Bible of 1611 is the perfect, pure and inspired word of God. (Psalm 12:6-7).
That's nice. So why was it only well over a millennium and a half after your savior died that God decided to release his TRUE word?
I believe that there was inspiration from God involved with the translation of the King James Version. (2 Timothy 3:16)
And why this one? What makes this one, and, indeed, the originals inferior?
Anything in the King James Version that may seem like it disagrees with the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts corrects the Greek and Hebrew.
But the Bible is perfect, as it is God's word, I thought. There should be no need for corrections on perfection.
I do not believe in finding out the meanings of Greek or Hebrew words.
No, why would you? You find a version that reinforces what you want to believe, why should you challenge that?
The King James Bible is perfect in English, and to try to correct it with the Greek is adding our own private interpretations to Scripture.
Again, it was the word of God when it was written the first time. So translating it INTO KJV, when it is not precisely as the original was, is adding to the scripture. Enjoy hell, heretic.
The Authorized King James Bible of 1611 is not the perfect, pure and inspired word of God. I state this with clear authority. Because I have stated it with clear authority, this post is all the evidence needed to prove my point.
So there.
Absolutely! And Shakespeare is most true to the original when read into a dictaphone, transcribed into Polish, copied fifty times by hand by ... "
No - Shakespeare is only correct in the original Klingon. /sarcasm.
And I fear that this is not a poe.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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