Disgruntled_Englishman #fundie independent.co.uk

[In comments on an article that explains how a UKIP Councillor has blamed gay marriage for winter flooding in the UK... yes, thanks America, these fucktards are doing it here now.]

Irreverent mockery (rather like homosexuality) tends to be a young man's game.

Life is short - and the more one progresses along its pathway, the more one's thoughts turn to eternity, and what happens beyond the grave.

Have you ever seen an old person who is terrified to go to sleep at night, lest they die? - fears crowding their minds, old sins returning to haunt them, past deeds full of bitter regret and a future filled with dread?

When I read the inane chirruping of many here - populist views, full of empty vanity and self deceit - I thank God for Jesus, and for His sacrifice on Calvary by which our sins might be forgiven.

I thank Him for the peace that faith bestows, for the calm assurance that, notwithstanding the howling foolishness of the addled mob, He will keep all those who trust Him in perfect peace.

For them, the night has no terrors.

I suspect that the good councillor sleeps peacefully - as do all who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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