Ray Marion #fundie books.google.com
Like Moses and Elias/Elijah in Ihe older lexis, I'm the only prophet on the earth. Jezebel in the Thyatira letler was Damascus bishop of Rome in 431 A.D taking the title Pontificus Maximus from the last Caesar. Julius Caesar had the title Pontificus Maximus as did Constantine which was high-priest of the mystery religion of the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar would burn the guts of animals and get omens like Satanic Nostradamus. It is pre-delermined that the all the Popes get cast into the lake of fire, Pope Francis shall be cast into the lake of fire at the appointed time. The present mystery babylon is the Roman Catholic Church. In Revelation, the present city that rules over the kings of the earth is Vatican City headed by the Satanic Emperor Pope/Papa/Father Francis. Jesus said call no man your father on earth. Dr. Scott/Elias taught that Good Friday comes from the Scandinavian Good Freyla and was the name for Easter/Ishtar/Ashtarte/Semiramis the queen of babylon. Therefore, Popes say Jesus died on Easter/Friday/Freyla and rose 36 hours later at Easter Sunday sunrise. Dr. Scott/Elias taught that Jesus died on a Wednesday at sundown in a year when Passover and First Fruits Sabbath would be 72 hours apart. The sign of Jonah was that he would be dead for 72 hours. The timing Jonah was vomited out, the timing Jesus raised himself as prophesied in John 10:18 The twelve apostles and Dr. Scott/Elias/Elijah were wrong to teach that Jesus' father raised Jesus because Jesus prophesied in John 10:18 that he would raise himself. Paul taught Jesus' father raised Jesus out of the deads(grave-yard).
Psych(Psychc) in Greek means soul. In the excellent documentary by the Church of Scientology called, "Psychiatry an Industry of Death Museum", one psychiatrist taught that man is just an animal without a soul. Psych psych ology, psych iatry. Ron L. Hubbard and Tom Cruise arc Israelites, I don't know if John Travolta is an Israelite. Elvis was a Satanic tare false Christian and was an Israelite like Batman and Robin. The words rock and roll means to have sex in the back seat of a car, Dolly Parton is a Satanic tare Israelite as are the Rolling Stones. Python means snake in Greek. Monty Python characters were snakes in action.
Samson killed a big kitten lion-cub. In Winnipeg, 1 killed a wild kitten that bit me while wearing long Johns, 1 threw at a Chinese woman in her store while she was reading an evil Bible. The firemen took an ax to break into the house I was staying in, I had to spend lime in a psychiatric jail(a parking ticket).