PARENTS BEWARE!" Demon images are taking over the Toy Departments and the cartoon programming on your television! These images show up in the forms of Charms, Trolls, Monsters, and violence...signs of Pagan Idolatry carefully Trolls with Demonic faces...but dressed in cute little "dolly" clothes to be accepted as a toy and hugged and loved by a child.
Let's examine the origin of Trolls. Where did they come from? These cute, ugly Demons that have captivated American children epitomize today's delight in "new-paganism" when joined to popular ideals. While the "Trolls of Scandinavian Fairy Tales would uproot trees, enslave beautiful ladies and turn people into stone with cruel spells, the toy makers are quoting poems and sayings to try and seduce and deceive the REAL origin of these Demons. For Example: "There was a time...when waters were clean and forests untouched...When ancient legends spoke of "Guardians of the Earth."
In Scandinavian lands, these mysterious creatures were Trolls...and were known to guard what was left of the Earth's natural treasures. This theory of fantasy can only help to encourage "New Age" "Mother our environment" if God would create anything that would not last, until He was ready for it to disappear. But, if our little children are introduced to these myths at such a young they grow...satan can introduce this fantasy lie and encourage it to be accepted as truth.
It was said the "trolls" were rarely seen, people believed and pretended. Isn't it strange today these nearly forgotten Demon creatures are once again in our midst...working their Earth magic to help Humans? More of Satan's lies flowing out to capture the mind and control it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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