Kings Wiki #sexist

There's no such thing as "provider game" in the West. While in traditional cultures this might work like a charm, in the west girls will demand for you to self improve even if you are paying them. For instance, even if you find a girl from Seeking Arrangment she'll still ask for you to have perfect teeth or a very clean before she makes out. Or she'll asks for you to give her a massage with your strong hands and if you are a beta with fragile hands this will be a turn off.

The most important thing to understand is the western girls are looking for a lover who happens to be rich not the other way around. The best strategy is to master game and then make wealth if you want for your own sake. I would NOT recommend making money and then seeing what happens since unless you are throwing $500 dollars at her she'll give you very little. Game is the only way to stand out in such a competitive sexual market place for men.

The death of provider game shows just how destructive western culture can be. Provider game is attacked by both feminism but also because of App culture (Tinder/Instagram/Facebook/bumble) where the hordes of american men throw themselves at average looking women. This girls, therefore, demand game as a prerequisite to even consider you.



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