[The reviewer gives the book Why Evolution Is True one star]
I am reading through reviews on this and it seems much like many of the reviewers have been washed by the theory of evolution; Just like creationists get washed by religion. I have been thinking about evolution and how insulting and stupid it sounds. I was just talking to a man who told me we are related to a Salamander and a Titaalik. We are ancestor to a common Ape with Apes. Many of these analogies are made. The Evolutionists believe all this is fact and reality. They are so incredibly blinded by this idea written with in fossils. Common sense and reasoning has been completely abandoned. I am astounded by these Scientists. If you sit back and just look at what they say, trying to proof this Evolution exists; it is completely senseless. It resembles smart babble. It is mind numbing. It defies our intelligence. It eradicates ones ability to think for them self. It is so dumb buying this book would waste my money. I could buy and eat an egg, I think I will do that yes....
I have not read this book . I have watched the man do an interview on why Evolution is true. So I have seen him in the flesh. I saw his body language and his persona. He came across as hollow and snide. I had no choice I had to give a star. [Emphasis added]
I have not dismissed the author I have dismissed the concept of Evolution. It is unfortunate the Author has touched on that subject.
"2 of 59 people found the following review helpful"
Both, I suspect, were fundies known to Peter Overton.
> He came across as hollow and snide. I had no choice I had to give a star. I have not dismissed the author I have dismissed the concept of Evolution.
No, you dismissed the author. If it was the concept you disagreed with, his hollowness and snideness wouldn't be relevant.
"It defies our intelligence."
No, it defies your intelligence. Judging by your grasp on the English language, that isn't really saying much.
I have been thinking about evolution and how insulting and stupid it sounds
Reality doesn't care what you think.
Fear is a poor excuse to avoid reading a book, Peter. Doesn't the Lord say, "Fear not, for I am with you"? Grow a spine and learn something.
I have not read this book
One star to a book that you never read?
It's all there black and white! Clear as crystal! You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!
Pip: "Peter, you should learn to love your inner monkey!"
Yes. I agree. I love both my inner AND my outer monkey. Wait, that didn't come out right.
"We are ancestor to a common Ape with Apes."
Someone confused 'ancestor' with 'descendant.'
But then, what can you expect from anyone who think they don't have to read a book to review it...
"I have not read this book. I have watched the man do an interview on why Evolution is true."
...because at least what he says is based on hard, solid, observable facts. That's Objective Fact, not Subjective 'Truth' (2+2=5 ; "1984")
I don't need to watch WWE/"Britain/America's Got (No) Talent" etc to know they're utter shite that has absolutely no right to be watched by me, when there are far superior forms of entertainment out there (Sci-Fi films/TV series etc. Greco-Roman Wrestling/Judo/Taekwondo/Sumo that are real competitions ). [/hyper-snob]
...but I did read your Bible, Petey. In my teens; cover-to-cover. It was the [i]best[/i] education I ever had. And way before I heard of this quote by Sci-Fi great Isaac Asimov:
'Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived'
The Bible. It defies our intelligence. It eradicates ones ability to think for themself. It is so dumb buying this book, no wonder that when "On the Origin of Species" was first published, it sold more than the Bible at that time.
I saw his body language and his persona [...] I have not dismissed the author I have dismissed the concept
Just read that back to yourself a few times until it clicks. You'll know when it does because you'll suddenly feel like the biggest idiot ever to walk the earth.
So you rated a book 1 star without even reading it.
What was it that one of the commandments said about bearing false witness?
Maybe if you'd actually read the damn thing instead of rating it down in a futile attempt to get people to not buy and read it, you might learn a thing or two about evolution. It's obvious you don't know much about it now.
This is actually the most reasonable comment he made in the thread.
He later goes on to claim that sugar causes diabetes (a commonly-held misconception)... as well as cancer, viruses (!), colds, and pretty much every disease or ailment ever.
He also claims that eating "natural healthy food" cures cancer , as well as every other disease known to man. Then there's some rambling bit about how food companies & pharmaceutical companies are in on this big conspiracy together to make you sick & then treat you with poisonous drugs to kill you faster. Oh, and he claims that we all get cancer at least once a day, but our bodies fight it off.
I'm really surprised this was the comment that made it here. This guy's a goldmine.
I like how all his comments on his own review“ are marked as “ [Customers don't think this post adds to the discussion.]” ! Says it all, doesn’t it.
Also: [rant]
Dear Amazon customers, the reviews are meant to be for the actual product! If you had a bad experience with Amazon’s service, or if the shipment took too long, or if a private seller tried to con you, that is too bad. But there are other ways to complain about that, the product reviews are not meant for that! I want to see if the product is good or not.
And while we’re at it: Dear Amazon, is it so hard to divide the reviews for different versions of the same movie or CD? If I want to see what customers have to say about the bluray version of a movie, I do not want to wade through comments about the decades old VHS version or how much the Special Super Tiger Dragon Edition DVD version sucks, which has been sold out for years anyway!
Hallelujah. Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?
Phew, that’s better. Sorry for the rant.
We have a common ancestor (in the sharing meaning of "common", not the simpleton meaning) with the other apes. You, however, seem to fith the second meaning of "common" pretty well...
The "Evolutionists" can check the facts for ourselves and see that they fit reality.
I bet it does resemble smart babble, and is mindnumbing, TO YOU. It probably goes WAY over your head and you're not able to understand what they are saying. Judging by your poor grasp of grammar and spelling, you should probably look for children's Biology books, instead.
Judging a book by how the author acts, that IS to dismiss the author, stupid. Why not dismiss the concept of Gravity too, while you're at it. After all, it has less evidence in its favor than Evolution...
Edit function won't let me add this to my previous post:
I just browsed the comment thread of the review and this guy is a gold mine! Further down he denies that adaptation is a part of evolution and to prove it he quotes some dictionary definitions, including:
Biology .
any alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any of its parts that results from natural selection and by which the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its environment.
a form or structure modified to fit a changed environment.
the ability of a species to survive in a particular ecological niche, especially because of alterations of form or behavior brought about through natural selection .
Physiology . the decrease in response of sensory receptor organs, as those of vision, touch, temperature, olfaction, audition, and pain, to changed, constantly appllied, environmental conditions.
(bolding mine)
But he vehemently insists that he knows what evolution is
Maybe he should have checked his dictionary under “E”.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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