I love the big bang theory. It states that there was a big explosion from nothing. Wow! I'm impressed. All it lacks is..well, everything. Preexisting elements must have been in place for it to take effect. (thats known science)
Ahh, the crux of every creation myth (and theory).
Don' need no stinkin' elements, ese.
Pure energy, in a state that is not really classifiable in terms of physics as we know it. Evidently there was enough of it to populate the universe with matter, which came later...not sure whether the span is milliseconds or millenia, though.
Science cannot currently account for what existed before Planck time. There are no theories, only hypotheses. However, it is known that things do randomly pop out of vacuums sometimes. Statistically, it is possible, however unlikely, that one of those things could be a universe.
You may, of course, if you wish, substitute a God hypothesis in there. But you'd best be prepared to provide an idea for a mechanism by which "Let there be light" is supposed to work before you do.
Ah yes. We all know that God, being all powerful, can create elements from nothing. But wait! We also know that "Preexisting elements must have been in place for it to take effect"! Because after all, that's known science. So my question is, how did those elements come into being? And if God did it, how did he come into being? Somehow, I find it harder to believe that a being capable of that much power would exist BEFORE anything else.
Read any good literature lately? Might I recommend you anything by Dawkins?
"(thats known science)"
Lie much?
"Thats known science" where, exactly? Patriot University, the school of higher learning (ha!) that gave Hovind a PhD which is worth less than the poop my dog left on the lawn this morning?
In any case, your criticism of the big bang can just as easily be applied to your god, if you want to talk about lacking everything.
I love Christianity. It states that Jesus came from a Dinosaur and is an lizard from a far-away planet 'rapturing' people so they can eat them. Wow! I'm impressed.
See? I can intentionally misrepresent things to make my argument look more impressive, too.
You seem to know very little about things you love, stupid. The Big Bang theory doesn't state that, at all.
So, where did God come from? Preexisting elements must have been in place, ya know.
More of this, from http://www.creationtheory.org/Essays/Phrases.xhtml
Big Bang Theory
Ordinary definition: “The theory that the universe's ongoing expansion, size and layout are consistent with a very rapid expansion from a single point in the distant past.”
Fundie definition: “The theory that the universe came from nothing.”
Note: this has to be one of the most common scientific misconceptions in existence. Virtually 100% of creationists believe that "rapid expansion from a singularity in the distant past" somehow means "something from nothing", even though it means nothing of the sort.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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