We are now beginning to see the Imploding of our culture. It started with just a few rare incidents that were quickly swept under the rug. Now it is involving Major College Campuses involving tens of thousands of our future leaders. Before long America will look like a Communist country. You will be afraid to say ANYTHING because your neighbor is watching you and will turn you into the authorities who will take away your home, your job, and maybe even your family members, (although they may leave the family members because we all know that in many of today's marriages, the "Til Death do you part" phrase actually means till death OR til times get too rough!)
Unless we, The People, start getting tired of this real quick and start doing something about it, we are heading down a dark slippery path real fast, and that path ends in quicksand!!!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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