Cornfed #fundie

Even if evil Western ZOGs were overthrown and the few million traitors most responsible for their atrocities were executed, there would still be the issue of what to do about Western women. Since women do whatever the men in charge tell them they would instantly start being wives and mothers again when ordered to, and in any case they would have no choice but to come crawling back without the ZOG funding and supporting their dysfunctional lifestyles. However, they would still be horrible monsters and worthless sluts unable to perform their female role adequately. How would the new regime go about addressing this problem?

I can think of a couple of potential solutions. One would be to perform a kind of triage on the female population. Those of breeding age deemed to have good genetics would be ensconced in body fitting cages and kept permanently pregnant via artificial inseminationl like other breeding sows. Those not used for this purpose but who were physically attractive would be sent to state brothels where worthy men could use them for sexual release, and they might also be farmed out to cook and clean for men. The remainder of the Western female population would be shot. Once the generation of post-feminist females being cranked out by the breeders came on stream, they would be apportioned to men as wives and the remaining feminized females would be shot.

Another solution would be for Western women to be declared wild animals and dealt with in a similar manner to how certain animals are under the wild animal control statutes of various countries. Hence the owners of women would be required to brand, tether or tag them, or they would be considered "wild", in which case men would be free to claim them or hunt them or whatever. There would be a limit to how many women a man could own at any given time (excluding daughters), and husbands and fathers would have first claim. Women allowed to roam around unsupervised and cause trouble by irresponsible owners would be impounded and destroyed.

Any better ideas?



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