Bah. This is Global Alarmism. We alter climate! We are the center of the universe. Like old paganism we'll start offering grain and blood sacrifices or maybe we'll start a rain dance or something. I give no credence to these charlatans anymore who cry the sky is falling!
[And this from someone at Rapture Ready, where the end is due any moment now]
This is Global Alarmism.
Says the guy who thinks Obama is the Antichrist who will lead a global jihad against Israel.
We are the center of the universe.
Says the guy who's religion teaches that the entire universe was created just for us, and which once actually taught that we WERE the center of the universe.
Like old paganism we'll start offering grain and blood sacrifices
Says the guy who's holy book gives explicit instructions about how to properly kill, slice up, and burn goats to please God.
I give no credence to these charlatans anymore who cry the sky is falling!
Says the guy who believes that any day now, magical vacuum Jesus will suck him and his friends up into the sky.
"Like old paganism we'll start offering grain and blood sacrifices..."
Cain and Abel, bitch. Remember them?
Right, right, yet according to you RR guys, god only made one planet in the entire vast Universe (6,000 years ago) to sustain life and every fucking storm or earthquake or solar flare or picture of Mars is a sign from god that he's gonna destroy the entire universe because some gay people get married and it makes you uncomfortable. But of course before he comes down in a big-ass tank to slaughter everyone, he's gonna swing by on a magic carpet and take you all to heaven which has stadium seating so you guys can watch all the action. You are a hypocritical fucktard.
I hate you!!!!
How the hell do you make the assertion that "we are having an adverse effect on climate due to a clearly excessive amount of carbon emissions and our knowledge of how it would react chemically with our air" out to be some kind of arrogance!? Are you bloody retarded? Do you realize that your own theology is strained with the ideas that Earth is the center of the universe, humans are the rulers of the planet, and prayer can get us whatever the hell we want!? And yet you assert that global warming is the one who displays these characteristics, while those who dare to defy the alarmism meekly continue to pour out as much pollution as they deem fit into the environment in their humble belief that they could not possibly bring harm to the planet if everyone else behaved in the same exact manner. They certainly know their place in the universe...
STFU, until you get a goddamn clue.
Reading that board of lunatic losers, I can easily see how the people of Easter Island cut down every tree and consumed all the food without a foresight to the mass die-out that would happen when it was all gone. "Now that I've cut the last tree down, God HAS to come and save us. He wouldn't just let us die or nothing".
I give no credence to these charlatans anymore who cry the sky is falling!
But the "charlatans ... who cry the sky is falling", have no financial incentive to do so; whereas the ones pumping money into lobbying and counter-research have a huge financial stake in convincing people it's nonsense. If one person said something for free and another was paid $1,000 to say the opposite, which one would you believe first?
My irony meter blew its CPU out with a tiny bullet it kept under its needle for emergency suicide.
(It was a special model: digital analysis circuits, analog readout. May it rest in pieces.)
Really people, add your comments after your post is approved. It's getting annoying.
As far as the quote ~ We're not the ones claiming that some sky-daddy made a giant universe just for our personal pleasure.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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