Frank R. Eggers, you pretty familiar with the passage. but the difference between Christian and false teacher is precisely based on his methodology of studying the Bible. Christian is the one who uses exegesis. And you guys are the ones who rape the Bible in whatever way you want.
When you read newspaper about some local events, do you allegorize, and pick and choose what you like there? Do you allegorize temperature forecast? Why then do you false teachers twist the Bible, when it is PLAIN, and every honest scholar who knows original language will tell you that you're lier?
There is no 'context' or any cultural situation found in the Bible to support your 'queer theology'. It's simply not there. You can wishfully suppress the evidence and create your own pity lies, but this will not change the fact of history. Homosexual Christian is about as possible as square circle. This is so disgraceful, I can not believe people have guts to twist Bible so bad...
I don't twist anything.
The Bible believes that the Earth has a ceiling above it which is the bottom of like, an ocean or something. I've never quite seen where it is round or flat, but it seems to believe you can't escape the atmosphere.
That and the multiple accounts of everything. Like Jesus was crucified in the third hour, then a little bit later, sometime after the sixth hour.
fact: Jesus is the only major character in the Bible who never begat anything.
fact: Paintings, well beardless paintings, make Jesus look like a girl.
fact: Jesus is often depicted gazing, lovingly, into the eyes of a man.
fact: Jesus frequently blathered on about how he "loved his disciples". All twelve of them.
fact: It is written that Jesus went amongst the whores and never got laid.
fact: Jesus was obsessed with bread and wine.
fact: Jesus is typically the lead character in Christian musicals. Singing, dancing and vamping it up.
fact: Jesus was a pacifist.
fact: Jesus' alleged father allowed him to be tortured to death.
fact: Jesus wore sandals and dresses.
These facts lead to two conclusions. Jesus was gay and his "fag hating", alleged, father punished him.
This would also explain the anti-homosexual rantings of the Psycho-Christians. I imagine that discovering one's savior is a lisping, sway-hipped, limp-wristed, promiscuous (12 disciples!), sissy would cause some anger. And, since these wackos believe they will go to Hell for renouncing Mary's Nancy-boy they feel compelled to worship what they most despise. No wonder they're all nuts.
He's right, the Bible does condemn homosexuality.
We can't pick and choose then? We better throw out the entire thing just to be safe.
Christian: Someone who believes Jesus is the Christ, that is to say, the messiah.
Homosexual: Technical, mildly offensive term for a person who is sexually attracted exclusively to members of his or her own sex.
I see no contradiction. Nothing in the "homosexual" label prevents the belief that Jesus is the Christ. Nothing in the Christian label says anything about attraction.
Earlier, Konstantin pulls the favorite fundie homophobe's trick: quoting only the end of Romans 1 (the list of things that God condemns, of which homosexuality is one of about 20) and stopping. They never continue with Romans 2, which says everyone is equally guilty and has no right to judge anyone else. Then he has the nerve to accuse others of cherry-picking the Bible.
"Do you allegorize temperature forecast?"
First off, allegorize is not a word. Secondly, yes, I do pick and choose from the temperature forecast, so to speak. It says 91 degrees right now, but I'm not going to go murder the weatherman if it changes.
the reason they try to change it is because unlike you, they are sane enough to realize how fucking crazy and absurd the bible is, so they try to rationalize it in order to convince themselves (and others) that its true.
you know, even if he read my post, hed probably stop reading at 'fuck', because im clearly possessed by demons. lol
The newspaper is pertinent to current events and designed to be unambiguous. The bible twists itself, obviously. Otherwise there would be only a single Christian religion, not thousands of splinter groups with conflicting interpretations.
My interpretation of the Christian message is unambiguous in its all-inclusive humanity.
"And you guys are the ones who rape the Bible in whatever way you want."
A million dollars to whoever gets that image out of my head.
@Allegory for Jesus
Ermm... Did I say a million dollars?
2008-Jul-19 08:08 PM
Earlier, Konstantin pulls the favorite fundie homophobe's trick: quoting only the end of Romans 1 (the list of things that God condemns, of which homosexuality is one of about 20) and stopping. They never continue with Romans 2, which says everyone is equally guilty and has no right to judge anyone else. Then he has the nerve to accuse others of cherry-picking the Bible. "
ok. next time someone will rape your girlfriend, don't think of judging him. ok? or else when someone digs your grandma from the grave and rape the corpse... don't judge please/
you guys either need to read some more, or simply stay quiet.
In addition, and worst of all. If judging is wrong, why then you judging me?
It's very annoying read ignorant replies. Either educate yourself, or else quietly observe.
He has a point, the other poster was doing what he says. But he must realise that the bible is open to interpretation (it's on what the third or fourth translation).
I have Christian beliefs and I understand what he's trying to say. I also see him messing up a few times (not that I have time to show where at the moment). But i can say this. Every time someone posts something from the bible, they are taking away the context of the passage, and they are also adding their own though colouring everyone's perception of the passage.
"When you read newspaper about some local events, do you allegorize, and pick and choose what you like there? Do you allegorize temperature forecast?"
this is a valid point.
"Why then do you false teachers twist the Bible, when it is PLAIN, and every honest scholar who knows original language will tell you that you're liar?"
This is subjective and actually scores points against you in terms of others accepting your ideas. Word of advice. Point out someone's flaws before stating something blatantly with out proof (I know you added it later and before, but you were blatant at this point with no provided evidence)
However, RBM11 has an extremely valid point that must be addressed. What counts and what shouldn't count in the bible? (state why of course otherwise it's pretty much unsupported views)
I'm not trying to judge, but rather provide feedback.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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