Marjatta #conspiracy

There is something interesting in this Chile miners rescue operation. Something strange; if you look at the numbers it looks very much illuministic.

- There are 33 miners; one number important to illuminists.
- The name of rescue capsule is Fenix (the symbol of Illuminati is the bird -Fenix)
- They start the rescue operation at midnight local time. Why just midnight? (The time witches are doing their spells)
- Also then has started the 13th of October. (number 13)
- That is 18 days (18=6+6+6) from witches Halloween feast 31st October.
- Also on Wednesday it has passed 22 (2x11) days from the witches Mabon-sabbath (the autumnal equinox)21st September.

So, I'm just wondering what's going on: Why all these occult timings and numbers and symbols? Is there any symbolism what will soon happen? As a believer of course you think it's like death arising in rapture, but could this also be a kind of start presentation that the NWO will be born and the WW3 start bringing up AC, who will rise like a Fenix-bird from ashes?

Well, I'm just thinking aloud. Somehow this is an important occasion: the whole world watching. It just took my attention when I saw all these dates and numbers and thought what is the message behind all this.



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