I love coming to the Religious Forum to read what you so-called Atheists have to say. I don't believe most of you for a moment, though. You come here and bloviate about a God you "claim" you don't believe in and get yourselves all worked up over it. You seem to be on a mission. It's hilarious. You're like little mini-devils. The Devil believes in God, he just hates him. I think you too believe in God. Why else would you expend so much time and energy writing about how much you hate him? And you do hate him so. So you must therefore believe in him. You are, however, very entertaining.
[....] But not any God, mind you - mostly the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - Jesus, the Son of God. Notice, T.R., how often they refuse to capitalize the 'g' in God, for example - they must know, with all their "supposed wisdom", that wisdom that makes them feel they know more and better than God, that to spell it with a small 'g' is an insult to Christians. So, yes, they hate Christians - but they REALLY, REALLY hate God with a grand passion.
I don't hate your god, I don't believe in it. The reason any atheists bother with you is because you people are fucking insane.
If Christians would follow their bible and be the better like they claim they are, no one would ever bother you.
We rile ourselves up because we don't see why anyone would allow superstitions and ill-translated bronze-age myths to rule their lives over rationality and logic. We don't hate your god, we don't believe in it (we don't believe in any gods). What we do hate though, is the kind of bigotry, intolerance and hipocracy that you fundies (pretty much regardless of what religion you adhere to) display without showing the slightest hint of being aware of your own lunacy.
You don't get it, do you? It's not your 'god' that we hate, because we don't believe he exists. No, it's your small-mindedness, your wilful ignorance, you anti-intellectualism, your infantile moral dualism, your lust for violence and revenge, your egotism, your sexism, your racism, your homophobia, the way you've turned a religion of love into a cult of death, and your complete inability to mind your own fucking business when it comes to other peoples' lives that we hate. Clear now?
What is a 'so-called' atheist? If you don't believe in god, you are an atheist. There's nothing so-called about it... There are no other criteria for assessment. That's it.
Fundies desperately need to get their hands on some dictionaries. Could we fly over them and drop dictionaries, like they do Bibles? With words they have particular trouble with highlighted? Like 'atheist', 'evolution', and for that matter, 'Christian', since they don't even seem to grasp the basics of their own religion.
I don't hate your god anymore than I hate Santa Claus, Zeus, or Bugs Bunny. I know them all to be fictional characters. I have no problems with you believing in your god and living your life accordingly. It would end there were it not for this drive many religious individuals have for making the rest of us live the way THEY think we should be living.
That is what we oppose. You can see this as opposition to your god if you wish, but that is false. We oppose the inclusion of your religious delusions into every facet of our lives, from education and government, to medicine and science.
In short, keep your religion out of our public schools, our workplaces, our government, our judicial system, our elections, our hospitals, our medical research, our science, our human rights, our relationships.
Keep it out of our lives.
No, we actually don't believe in any god. You lose.
I can see how you could be confused, we believe that some people believe in a god, and that this is very annoying because they won't shut up about it even though it's clearly a false belief.
Some atheists may not capitalize the "G" in God, but they are all in error. However, many atheists do not capitalize the "g" in god, which is grammatically correct.
Also, I don't think I agree with your definition of hate. Atheists do not hate God, it would be silly. I guess it is possible to hate a fictional character, but it's pretty pointless. I'm also pretty sure most atheists do not hate Christians.
1. I dislike Lex Luthor. However, I do not believe that Lex Luthor is anything but a fictional character. You don't have to believe something exists in order to dislike it.
2. The atheists I've seen arguing against religion tend to fall into two categories:
- Those who dislike the fundamentalist sects of Christianity and Islam, but not the more rational Christians and Muslims of the world
- Those who try to convince others that the very concept of religion in general is archaic and should be abandoned
The first category has nothing against Jesus--they just don't think he's a god.
The second category argues against the existence of YHWH, Shiva, Ba'al, Amun-Re, Odhinn, Zeus, Brighid, and every other deity mankind has ever worshiped. They believe that no sane person would want to worship or believe in any god whatsoever. (I do not agree with this perspective, but I can understand it.) Your religion is not the only one they dislike.
Besides, if you believe ALL gods are fictional, why would one god be any different from another in your mind? That's like saying that people who dislike Grimm's fairy tales in general must have a particular hatred for Rumpelstiltskin.
I honestly have yet to read a post from an atheist saying they "hate God." Paul, you're dreaming, lying, or crazy.
god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god god
god god god god god god god god god god god
god god god god god god god god god god god
god god god god god god god god god god god
Okay, I'll stop oppressing you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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