Forza Nuova Turin #fundie

Forza Nuova Against The Dams: “History Is Serious, Homosexuality Is Not

A course in the History of Homosexuality, one that will take place at the Dams of Turin, with the possibility for students to attend optional classes and get six training credits. One first absolute for Italy that after the announcement it would not attract political criticism and controversy.
To speak against the course that will be held by Maya De Leo contract professor and that the rector will be officially presented at a press conference on October 26, are first of all the Forza Nuova militants, who argue “History is a serious thing. “, with a sign posted on the night at the gates of Palazzo Nuovo, the historic seat of the Turin University.

The sense of this initiative of Forza Nuova Turin militants is clarified, with more details, by a note.

The story is a serious thing, says the note of Forza Nuova, and you can not play with these terms. We urge the Rector to eliminate training credits in order to prevent this from becoming a way to give students a “politically correct” gift. “Forza Nuova militants also invite students who recognize in their views” not to follow this course, not legitimize these ideas without any formative foundation “



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