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How Hillary, the most robotic candidate ever, had to be prompted by staff to “smile”
Must. Get. Elected. Must. Say. Anything. To. Get. Elected.
These must be Hillary Clinton’s inner thoughts. She is the most robotic person I’ve ever seen! Every step in her campaign has seemed phony, every motion and emotion seems planned out to the “T.” Her leaked emails show a candidate and campaign that’s beyond “micromanaged, highly scripted, and poll-tested.” It’s clear she’s not a genuine person.
Recently leaked Wikileaks emails tell the sorry, odd tale of Hillary Clinton. Click here to read how she had to be reminded to smile, how it took multiple people and lots of time to get the “right tweet,” and how her staff said she lived in a bubble of privilege.
Do you think she really cares about the people she’s trying to win over?
Do you think she cares our children’s future?
About our military?
Or crimes we have in inner cities?
Do you think she cares about any of us hard working, middle class Americans?
Her team has to pencil in “smile” in her responses!!
I know Donald Trump is far from perfect – we all are – but I would rather have someone in office that fights for what is best for our country – and not someone in office who is so desperately willing to DO ANYTHING to get elected.
Do these professional politicians really think the American people don’t see behind their smoke screen? Does Hillary really think that those of us who work “menial” jobs to put food on the table – jobs like I have had in coffee shops, baby sitting, hardware stores, commercial fishing, etc. – believe for one second that her decade’s long – privileged lifestyle – connects her to us?
It’s not so much that this multi, multi, millionaire is pretending to understand middle class struggles by faking it for a few hours in our shoes, it’s that she shows disdain for our brains when assuming we’ll fall for this!
At least Trump doesn’t pretend to be something he is not. He’s been a builder and boss for decades, and he proudly, commendably wears that on his sleeve.
That’s the problem with typical politicians like Hillary. They’re so disconnected from our normal working class like that they have to conspire how to gin up the appearance of connection. We see right through it, it turns us off and causes too many voters to just stay home Election Day because this is seen as a phony actors in a really bad performance who disrespected our intelligence.
Hillary Clinton is exactly like Barrack Obama, they will tell you what they want to hear, but will get in office and do whatever is on their sponsored agenda. Whom ever they’ve made deals with!!
We’ve already had eight years of it!!!! Wake up! Aren’t you tired of it yet?
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