I'm working on a thesis that demonstrates atheists are victims of self-indoctrination, willing to believe anything rather than reality. What I want to know is the underlying reason for "wanting" God not to exist.
Funny, I'm working on a thesis that demonstrates that fundies are victims of self-indoctrination, willing to believe in a great sky daddy that will solve all their problems rather than facing reality. What I want to know is the underlying reason for "wanting" God to exist.
I love this, I've looked at this site for a week and i know know that most fundy arguements are nothiing more than logic reversed into bullshit, then re-labeled into logic. >>
Yeah, it's the same way they say they are being persecuted against when they only getting the justified response for their, cruel, hateful, beliefs. In other words, pure, unadulterated, 100% hypocrisy.
Ha! those crazy atheists will believe anything! logic, reason, rationality, solid facts based on tried and tested theories and research - I mean, WTF??!!!11!one
Why bother, when all you need is a book of stories?!
I'm working on a thesis that you are an idiot.
I'm just gonna copy 'n paste everything you write.
Just STFU and go sit in the corner.
What I want to know is the underlying reason for "wanting" God not to exist.
What I want isn't really an issue here. If god existed, I would have less difficulty in believing in him than I do now. And as far as reality goes, it can speak for itself.
Wow, and I thought you were supposed to arrive at your conclusion based on the results of your research.
Fundyism in a nutshell, "I have a conclusion, please help me distort some facts to support it."
"What I want to know is the underlying reason for "wanting" God not to exist."
I thought all you fundies knew the reason? It's because we're naughty, amoral people who want to kill, steal and fornicate without consequences.
Many atheists, like yours truly, so desparately wanted a loving god to exist that we went searching for him through various religions and the study of religion, history and a wide range of subjects. After a few years of this, it becomes apparent there is no rational reason to positively assert belief in a diety.
That's no thesis, that's a space station!
By "space station," I obviously mean "steaming pile of fail."
I think I'm going to have to refer this one to the late Linda Smith-
"If God wanted us to believe in him, he'd exist"
"Willing to believe anything other than reality"? Dude, it's the atheists who are dealing with reality, while the religionists are the ones chasing fictitious ghosts. Prove your phantoms are real before you start accusing us of denying reality.
~David D.G.
There's no evidence god exists, and there shouldn't be! Religion is about BELIVE!!!!
And you believe what ever you want to believe, I believe whatever I want to believe and if people chose not to believe at all, that's their choice as well.
"atheists are victims of self-indoctrination"
Um, "self-indoctrination"? Is that another way of saying "thinking-for-yourself"?
It's not God that I don't want to exist,
It's religious belief that I don't want to exist.
But then, if the history of psychological medicine has anything to say about this subject, it's that most delusional folks don't want to give up their delusions.
if this person is actually working on a thesis as opposed to a self-serving diatribe, then the hypothesis needs to be better formulated, and not in a way that suggests that adverse evidence will be excluded.
Id est:
is this for a PhD or something equivalent from an accredited body, or from a fundie college?
Apart from that the logical inconsistencies astound me.
You've convinced ME, little man. Could you also find out why people want the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus not to exist either?
EDIT: Oops, John (Not in Oz, presumably) beat me to it with the quote from five year old Mikey.
You'd think by now you'd have worked out that wanting things doesn't actually change reality.
How are all your prayers going btw?
And tell us all about the heaven we obviously don't want to go to.
Your thesis seems to be based on you wanting to believe anything rather than reality, dearie.
What we want is evidence for the existence of any deity.
And I thought my thesis was going badly.
(Structure of drug traffic networks as a result of methods to fight it, for the none of you that wanted to know)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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