Ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis have banned women from going to university, The Independent has learned.
The strict Satmar sect issued the decree, seen by The Independent, warning that university education for women is “dangerous”. Written in Yiddish, the decree warns: “It has lately become the new trend that girls and married women are pursuing degrees in special education. Some attend classes and others online. And so we’d like to let their parents know that it is against the Torah.
“We will be very strict about this. No girls attending our school are allowed to study and get a degree. It is dangerous. Girls who will not abide will be forced to leave our school. Also, we will not give any jobs or teaching position in the school to girls who’ve been to college or have a degree.
"We have to keep our school safe and we can’t allow any secular influences in our holy environment. It is against the base upon which our Mosed was built.”
The decree was issued from the sect’s base in New York and will apply to followers of the faith group around the world.
If a Muslim Imam wrote shit like this, it would hit world headlines and lead invariably to another round of, "OMG! Muslims suck and hate Western values."
Smart families will not send their daughters (or sons) to the Satmar Madrasa. These people are paying for a service and the students are working to attain something that will serve them and their own children well in the future. Denying them the fruits of their labour is actually 'unBiblical' according to Torah (e.g., Deuteronomy 25:4).
Also, we will not give any jobs or teaching position (sic) in the school to girls who’ve been to college or have a degree.
As selling points go 'All our female teachers are unqualified' doesn't sound much like a winner to me...
"No girls attending our school are allowed to study and get a degree."
I always thought people study after completing school.
Oh, you mean that graduating from your school does not qualify you for higher education because you teach nothing but lies, don't you?
The Satmar community is the only Jewish one in the United States that rivals the fundamentalist Mormon communities for sheer insularity and oppressive authoritarianism. Even stranger, whereas the fundamentalist Mormons live away from everybody in the deserts of Arizona and Utah, the Satmar enclave is part of the New York City sprawl.
Good luck with your survival then.
The rest of Israel - with the very liberal Tel Aviv for example - is doing just fine with it's more secularised culture.
Ghettoising yourselves , much? Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it indeed. Never mind an Eruv , why not get Donald Fart to build not just a Wall, but a Dome around your... 'community'? [/"The Truman Show"]
@ The Crimson Ghost
I find anti-Semitism baffling because Jews tend to be so much less obnoxious than Christians. I'm well aware that that's partly the result of a bias in my exposure from living in the US. Most of the fundie Jews went off to Israel (the Satmar are the most glaring exception) and left a lot of moderates behind, whereas the fundie Christian evangelicals never go away and never shut up.
@ Piling On, maybe you should visit Brooklyn, home to the rabbi child raper defending, stolen human organ trafficking, gay bashing ultra ortho. hasidim gangsters.
@John: "rabbi child raper defending, stolen human organ trafficking, gay bashing ultra ortho. hasidim gangsters."
The fuck are you talking about?
Okay, Rabbi; Where does it say in the Pentateuch that women and girls should remain stupid?
Shut up! Look up Deborah and Jael! Look up Esther and Judith! Smart women! Awesome women!
Soon, your ilk will die out while the majority of Jews....who aren't weirdos like you and embrace modern values and have adapted their Jewish faith and heritage to it....will keep on thriving and multiplying.
A religion that does not adapt, dies.
Your sect and the Haredis are both on their death knell.
See the two 'H'/HEIs in YHVH? Those are feminine. The Tetragram means "Father, Mother, Daughter, Son". Elohim is a feminine-gendered (and plural) word. Shekhinah is The Divine Feminine.
Ah! I've found it: "A woman that hath attended college, or that is smarter than a man, is dangerous and shall surely be put to death: they shall stone her with stones." [Leviticus 20:175206 in the Torah, "Just Make Shit Up as You Go" version]
(PS, not the John above)
You know, in the long run this is actually going to hurt you. Watch and see how many women are actually going to obey this. And since college degrees are attained after leaving school, this is actually a useless decree. And how many decades did it take you to notice women in college anyway?
This isn't going to change anything. Satmar women have never been allowed to learn anything. When they go to Yeshiva, they're taught how to feed babies, how to cook and clean, and how to recite prayers they barely understand. Some are even kept semi-illiterate.
The only surprising thing for me about this decree is that it wasn't issued a hundred years ago.
Banning Jewish women from attending college would have deprived the world of four Nobel laureates in medicine and thousands of other Jewish doctors, including my daughter-in-law. Every day, they practise that which in Judaism takes precedence over all other principles: pikuach nefesh , the saving of life. Bear that in mind next time you're in the emergency room.
@ Piling On
That's in part due to Satmar's trenchant anti-Zionism.
@ Stormfront Boy
Oy vey, the goyim women schmucks don't need no edumacation.
I know Jewish characters talk like that on Stormfront, but a) Satmar is saying that the women who are not goyim shouldn't be educated at university and b) "women schmucks" is a physical impossibility.
It seems that John (the first on this page, not the last) has already reached the level of promoting the modern version of the blood libel, so you'll need to do better than this.
"Also, we will not give any jobs or teaching position in the school to girls who’ve been to college or have a degree."
This implies that they do hire female teachers that don't have teaching degrees.
Get me a sammich, woman!
Um, wait . . .
bakumen mir a sendvitsh aun a bir, froy !
@Piling On
"@ The Crimson Ghost
I find anti-Semitism baffling because Jews tend to be so much less obnoxious than Christians"
It's derived from Christian theology from hundreds of years ago when someone decided that because a bible verse had a jew accepting responsibility for Jesus being sentenced to death, all jews are responsible for killing god.
I am quite familiar with the origins of the blood libel nonsense; I was simply congratulating these dimwitted rabbis here on their wise decision to add more fuel to anti semitic fires burning out there.
While it reflects badly on all jewish people, they are certainly not without their own bad apples. The stories about organ trafficking, real estate fraud, assault for pay & murder up here are true.
@Piling on:
Why? The 'Catholics aren't christian' meme had it's origin 500 years ago, it hasn't slowed down much.
Anti Semitism has also hitched a ride on other causes such as civil rights. The There was a southern saying in the 60s that 'jew lawyers from jew York city are coming down here to stir up the niggers because they hate Christians.
This dispute was over white supremecy which had gotten mixed up in red state Christian religion. When civil rights enforcers arrived to enforce this law, to the redstaters this was an attack on Christianity itself. Because some of the enforcers were jew lawyers the civil rights conflict powered up the traditional jews killed god and therefore want to destroy christianity.
Also, the jewish attitude is that the world and everyone in it exists to benefit jews. They don't try to enforce their sharia on anyone else the way Christians and muslims do
but they swindle and cheat goyim with as much authorization and enthusiasm as muslims chop heads of infidels.
@ Mister Spak
1) Just a word to the wise: the adjective for "Jew" is "Jewish," unless you wish to sound antisemitic, which "jew lawyers" does.
2) I would like to think you had just continued in the same vein as your Southern saying without distinguishing your views from those of white supremacists. BTW, this goes back long before the 1960s: you might read something about Leo Frank, who was lynched in Georgia in 1915 because he was a Jew. Besides African Americans, Jews, Catholics and Native Americans were also the subject of lynchings.
3) People have raised questions about the last paragraph. Maybe it's an extension of the ideas about the way Southerners think and you don't share those beliefs. Maybe not. Alternatively, you can justify why you believe that Jews, as a rule, are racist swindlers who think that everyone else is there to serve them, providing plenty of evidence while being able to refute the multitudes of examples of Jews who have acted selflessly toward non-Jews, showing nothing but generosity of time, effort, spirit and funds. Alternatively, you might explain that this is antisemitic drivel that doesn't reflect your views or who you are. The other option is to take it in good stride when it shows up on RSTDT.
@Hasan Prishtina
Mister Spak always has a tendency to never add quotation marks or other indications around his sarcastic use of epithets. When defending blacks and using "nigger" in a sarcastic sense, he always forgets to add quotation marks around it.
The last bit is likely sarcasm....but Mister Spak is....again, too stupid to put in indications that he's being sarcastic and facetious.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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