Canino1997 #sexist

It should be legal for incels to rape females if they use protection and the female is unconscious

Inceldom is a deprivation of a basic human need. If an incel does rape an unconscious female with protection, the female wouldn’t even know that she was raped. Even if she found out it wouldn’t be that bad. No violence or anything would be used against the female because she would be unconscious. She wouldn’t even remember it. Rape to a female would do way less harm than inceldom does to a man. Overall suffering would be reduced. If a man is an incel long enough to rape a female, then he is the victim, not the villain. No starving man should have to go to prison for stealing food, and no sexually starved man should have to go to prison for raping a female. Without food, the body of a man dies. Without sex, the soul and mind of a man will die. If a man is an incel long enough he will end up going insane sooner or later. This way the females would not remember or know that they were raped. Men would be able to keep their sanity and the suffering of us incels would be ended. In my opinion, it should be legal for incels to rape unconscious females if they use protection to create a better world with no suffering.



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