oonie #fundie att.net

(Suggests an 'everybody burns but me' award)

When a mind is perverted so is everything they read and believ, also perverted! In hopes of riches from heaven you as all churchers did deliberately pervert your own mind and the minds of your children in hopes of riches from heaven.

None of you were born perverts; all you churchers deliberately perverted your own minds- and in your perverted mind you are so stupid you believe God loves evildoers and hate children and good people- you prove yourself a pervert in that you serve the devil in person of forgiving criminals.

All of you perverts continuely qoute John 3:16-
"For God so loved the world (includes you and every other atheist on this board) that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever (includes every single atheist) believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
All of you thinking, implying- this Scriptrue is saying everyone is going to heaven while in truth this Scripture is saying--

99.99% of the world population today is damned to hell- and that 100% of all world churchers are going into the firery torments of everlasting punisments with no relief as the smoke of your torments ascends into the clouds for every more- and infinity- your worm dieth not- there is no limit to the depth of your terrible sufferings nor no end to your sufferings for God is nothing more to you bozos than a conversation peace.
God is a jealous God and you are serving the devil in forgiving criminals- it is a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.




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