Anonymous #fundie

Thank God Obama wasn't president during 9/11 you would be wearing a big black burqa by now as he proceeded to tell the country it was our fault for not making sure the terrorists didn't get angry; a typical moonbat stance.

But as for your lack of love, conservatives don't hate democrats who are now communist/socialist/exteme leftist stalin lovers, we tolerate you and look upon you as children with stunted growth who just don't understand the world and think that playing with your easy bake oven and stamping your feet while calling others names will make the fabric of reality change.

The hate, the intolerance, the violence, the extremism is ALL from the left.

Facts, reality, empirical evidence endless historical proof of failure of your views causing depression, death, carnage and suffering supporting none of your views - it's all you have - Hatred and hypocrisy.

But we love ya like the mentally stunted little gnomes you are.

It does get tiring having to make sure all the outlets have covers so you don't stick your tongue in them though. You see conservatives teach their children not to lick electrical wires so they can think. Liberals try and outlaw electricity because they don't have very much faith in you, albeit understandably so.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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