bill-11b #fundie
[ “bombing doesn’t kill an ideology, it feeds it” ]
The only way you kill an ideology is to kill all those who practice it, burn their literature, and tear down their idols.
Go be a hippie elsewhere OP.
[ I’m sorry, but I thought we in western civilization looked down upon genocide, not promoted it ]
I never advocated genocide.
But the OP is completely wrong about how you destroy an ideology. I was educating him as to the proper method.
That said, western society’s endless tolerance will be it’s downfall.
Strange, we didn’t tolerate the nazi or commie mindset, yet now even conservatives are staunchly opposed to even questioning beliefs that might maybe just possibly pose a threat to our security and liberty.
If bombing people makes them violent radicals (this is fundamental islam; radical islam is to actually be peace loving and not want to marry toddlers but that’s neither here nor there) then I would say westerners should all be anti-islam radicals.
If their belief set is already so extreme, that a couple of attacks in defense drive them into the arms of jihadi groups, maybe the the line between peaceful moderate and violent radical is pretty thin to begin with.
The kid in chattanooga was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.
Nadal Hasan was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.
Syed Farook was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.
All of these people were raised in America, all had an education and good paying jobs. They were the epitome of the American dream.
And they killed Americans because their philosophy calls for them to do so.
It calls all muslims to do so, but most ignore it, until they don’t.