"And what do you suppose the Chronicles or Narnia is? It's evil. When our imagination goes against the word of God, then my friend, our imagination IS evil."
...when it's author, CS Lewis was a devout Christian himself, and the whole thing is an allegory to Christianity. PROTIP: Aslan = Jesus. He even dies and comes back to life.
This moron is exactly like those Mad Mullahs, re. their being all arsehurt over Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses": All of them to a man said they'd never even read the very book they were burning in protest.
...still, Mr. Rushdie & his publisher had their money...! >:D
missions(IQ)2.005, I suggest you actually read "The Chronicles of Narnia". Then what said scenario is an allegory of: The Bible. It's painfully obvious you've never read the latter, neither.
...oh, and as an encore, I also suggest you read Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy.
[spoiler]...God dies in the end.[/spoiler] >:D
"These people have no concept of "allegory"."
They have no concept of reading, neither. Otherwise, they would see the parallels (i.e. Aslan = Jesus. They always go on & on about their 'saviour' being compared to a 'lamb' on his initial visit to Earth, and returning 'as a lion', after all).
My reading the Bible cover to cover in my teens proved what the Sci-Fi great Isaac Asimov said:
'Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived'
And the best education too. Certainly when it comes to thinking for yourself. Ergo, Atheism, fundies.