I’m convinced that lots, and lots of normal, law-abiding men have “look, but don’t touch” feelings about 11 and 12 year old girls. And it’s not pedophilic at all. Same way being attracted to Helen Mirren’s figure in a red dress is not gerontophilic.
And it’s not pedophilic at all.
Yes, it is. At least with real life 11- and 12-year old girls. Hentai lolis get this whole thing very muddy.
Same way being attracted to Helen Mirren’s figure in a red dress is not gerontophilic.
Based on pictures Google showed me, yes, it is.
*sigh* These idiots are almost enough to make me take up drinking...
Not acting on an urge is not the same thing as not experiencing it. Pedophilia as the attraction to kids. You don't actually have to fuck one. By that kind of logic, no virgin has a sexual orientation of any kind. All those dirty magazines under your son's mattress? Don't mean a thing. Which, much like Emma the Emo, is just fucking stupid.
I'm going to ignore the blatant "all men are molesters waiting for an opportunity" line of "thinking" because dwelling on that one for too long just pisses me off.
Well, perhaps in the same way that, whenever I run into a pedo, I want to use a baseball bat to restrain them. Yet, somehow, I restrain myself. Still, if you want to keep pushing the limits...
Not quite sure about the correct terminology, but I think she (?) might be right. Isn't being attracted to 11 and 12 year old girls hebophilia? Or ephebophilia?
I'm also not quite sure what she (??) wants to say. Is she (???) proposing that oggling little girls is normal and nothing to be ashamed of? Well, a lot of psychos and perverts think this about their own vice...
I’m convinced that lots, and lots of normal, law-abiding men have “look, but don’t touch” feelings about 11 and 12 year old girls.
Well obviously you need to look at them. How else can you make sure they don't get in trouble? How else can you help teach them or help them with their homework? How else can you supervi- Wait, that's not what you mean, is it? *shudders* Thanks, asshole. I haven't been under the weather in years and you just made me sick.
You're damn right it ain't paedophilia.
It's hebephilia, which is pretty damn close to paedophilia in terms of how bad it is.
[/angry hairsplitting]
Aside from the fact that you're clearly a guy who couldn't define emo if your life depended on it, just because some guys (like you) do something doesn't make it normal or acceptable. I used to work in a store with a guy who ogled girls that age, to rate their potential for future attractiveness. He called the ones he thought would be hot "niblets", and tried to egg the other guys on to participate. It was creepy and pedophilic as hell.
"I’m convinced that lots, and lots of normal, law-abiding men have “look, but don’t touch” feelings about 11 and 12 year old girls. And it’s not pedophilic at all"
Another to add to the list of excuses; 'Cute not Pedo', '3DPD'.
4chan /a/ much, Emma?
"Same way being attracted to Helen Mirren’s figure in a red dress is not gerontophilic."
Or Honor Blackman, for that matter. One word: GILFs. And stop it, you're turning me on.
'GILF'. Quite the gulf age-wise, that completely annihilates your argument. As do the two further argument-obliterating words, re. this issue: Informed Consent.
Now go slit your wrists, Emo kid. Just because nobody's interested in you . Aye, there's the whole issue-raising rub, indeed.
The comments are full of creeps saying they simply can't believe that a man wouldn't be attracted to a thirteen year old girl and have sex with her if they had the chance. And general woman-bashing and rape apologizing.
In another post this woman explains how she found some anti-feminist MRA fellow rape apologist "incel" and met up with him, via plane, to have sex and apparently that led to a relationship. She says he made violent threats to murder people in positions of authority, but she claims that his zest for violence ebbed once he got laid because it was the lack of sex that made him want to act out. Yep.
And she says: "I used to frequent the site Fundies say the Darndest Things, and had fun reading it. However, when reading my boyfriend’s post “Rape is Equality”, I gradually noticed they had no arguments."
Anyone happen to know what post that was? Sounds like a gem.
Seriously, what's sexually attractive from a 11-12 year old? They're mostly just like stick-figures... I mean the most I that has ever occurred to me is: "oh my, that girl is going to be beautiful when she grows up".
If men have feelings like that then they are paedophiles. I actually feel sorry for men who have these attractions but don't give in to them because they know its wrong and hate themselves for it. I think society should do more to help people in this position, rather than forcing them into the closet and sending the message that we think the world would be a better place if they killed themselves. However, anyone who actually acts on these fantasies is a worthless piece of shit who should die in a fire.
@ Shockna : Oh, jeez. Yeah. Thanks. And she says nobody had ANY valid arguments against what her boo-boo said? Wow. She definitely found herself a keeper, there. Talk about two people who are just meant for each other...
Wikipedia disagrees with you, Emma.
"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger."
"Gerontophilia is the sexual preference for the elderly."
The big difference, of course, is that children can't give informed consent, but Helen Mirren can, if she wants to.
Oh, and you noticed that it said "psychiatric disorder" for pedophilia, but didn't use those words for gerontophilia, right?
Plus, is Helen Mirren really "elderly"? I connect that word with old, weak and infirm, not sprightly and healthy, hardworking woman.
Hmm... I don't pretend to speak for everyone, put personally I prefer women to be a bit curvier than your typical 12 year old. I also prefer them to be emotionally mature.
Funnily enough, the same holds for everyone I know. I know that's rather poor statistics but I still call vullshit on your claim.
^ Who invited these pedos?
If you can't handle a real woman, asshole, go jerk it to hentai loli and leave us alone!
"I’m convinced that lots, and lots of normal, law-abiding men have “look, but don’t touch” feelings about 11 and 12 year old girls. And it’s not pedophilic at all."
UK: Gary Glitter. Max Clifford. Rolf Harris.
Good luck with that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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