[In an Amazon review of "Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All".]
As an alternative health person; I find this book to be an outrage; that the public needs to know the facts about vaccines and that this author is one of the most uninformed; even dangerous men to the health of America.
I can understand his attitude; brainwashing is a rampant problem in our medical society but to take our FREEDOMS away is socialism; plain and simple.
You wanna shoot yourself and your kids and grandkids up with thousands of poisons; be my guest. But I for one will be the first person in a very very long line of people that will stop you from making your dreams of a vaccinated world a reality.
Oh, for censored's sake.
a) Taking people's freedoms away is not "socialism"; quite the opposite. Stop molesting words and their meanings with your ignorance, and b) reaching for "alternative" medicine that has not been proven to be effective in lieu of mainstream medicine that has isn't exercising your right to freedom, merely your right to stupidity.
Because vaccines have never, ever cured or prevented any disease or extended lifespans. </sarcasm>
I don't care if you don't want vaccines but don't go spreading lies about how poisonous they are to others.
Of course, Kimmy is entirely ignorant of the wards of iron-lung patients we used to have before the polio vaccine. And, she patently has never seen a baby with whooping cough coughing his/her life away.
P.S. I addition to your a&&holy ignorance concerning public health, your lack of understanding as to the nature of socialism is remarkable.
I have a few choice words for Ms. Weninger: Polio, pertussis, rubella, measles, tetanus. And don't even get me started about smallpox.
do we have a spambot? i feel like we got a spam bot.
re: vaccines
i'm not up to date on mine, because i'm an airhead who forgets to ask his doctor. on the other hand, they exist for a reason and save lives. seeing how stupid this poster is, i wish that vaccines had saved another one instead of... THAT...
Enjoy your mumps, chicken pox, measles, tetanus if you cut yourself, meningitis, etc.
"...the public needs to know the facts about vaccines..."
Agreed, so quit spreading your fear-mongering malarkey, especially when you so clearly have reaped the benefits of a society where vaccination is standard. You have been able to reach adulthood relatively unscathed by what were once referred to as "childhood diseases," diseases that were more than occasionally DEADLY.
Please re-take basic biology and try not to fall asleep this time.
The worst part is these shit-for-brains benefit from their parents vaccinating them, but they'll probably wind up with children in leg braces from polio or some shit. Fucking morons. I'd say they deserve it, but it's not them that will suffer... and no child chooses dumbfuck parents.
"You wanna shoot yourself and your kids and grandkids up with thousands of poisons; be my guest."
Of course, vaccination doesn't expose anyone to thousands of poisons...
IN other news, MRNA stabalized vaccines may have also given us a permanent, overarching flu vaccine in the near future.
I laugh at your alternative medicine, Laugh!
Nomen Nescio: "if Kimberly does any gardening --- or indeed ever sets foot outdoors at all --- i'm conflicted as to which to wish for; that she doesn't get her tetanus shots on schedule, or that she does in spite of her rantings. "
How about a compromise? She gets tetanus, but a relative recognises the symptoms before they get too painful and the doctor give her antitoxin on time, leaving her just scared enough to get her shots in the future.
"But I for one will be the first person in a very very long line of people that will stop you from making your dreams of a vaccinated world a reality............"
"....tomorrow. Right now I'm feeling sick."
"But I for one will be the first person in a very very long line of people that will stop you from making your dreams of a vaccinated world a reality."
And I'm sure you'll put up a good fight. Well... until you drop over from polio or smallpox.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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