You fail logic forever. Let us begin:
The argument is not “The Bible is the Word of God because it says it is.”
I'm keeping this because we'll be referring to it momentarily.
If the Bible were not the Word of God, we would have no foundation for all the things we take for granted, such as laws of logic, uniformity of nature, and morality.
1) Logic: If the biblical god is real, he is then both omniscient and omnipotent. If he is omniscient, then he knows exactly what is going to happen at any given moment. Whatever it is that he knows is going to happen, it must happen. For anything else to happen would mean that God didn't foresee it, and thus, is not omniscient. If an event must happen for God to be omniscient, then it means he cannot change the event, either (or else, he would be wrong). If God cannot change an event he knows is going to happen, then he must not be omnipotent.
2) Uniformity of nature: Nothing in the bible is uniform. Some parts describe God as having a body, while others say he is complete spirit. Some phrases imply multiple gods, while others insist on only one. God himself has been known to change his mind at least once (when he caused the Flood, it was because he repented of creating Mankind).
3) Morality: There is no moral absolute in the bible. There are times when it's wrong to kill, and times when it's okay. Prostitution is considered a sin, yet one of the prophets is commanded to marry a prostitute! Lying is condoned by Joseph towards the Pharaoh. Speaking of Pharaoh, even though he wanted to let the Israelites leave Egypt, God messed with his mind to prevent him from letting them go-just so God could punish him for not letting them go!
The law of non-contradiction, for example, is based on the self-consistent nature of the biblical God
And yet, the biblical God is not self consistent. At one point, only animal sacrifices could appease him. At another, only a human sacrifice. In one part of the Bible, each individual is responsible for his/her own sin, in another, two people are responsible for the sin of the entire planet, and each living person today must be punished for it!
The Bible itself tells us that all knowledge depends upon God
In other words, the Bible is the Word of God because it says it is?
Most other religious books do not make the claim that all knowledge is deposited in their god; and if they did, they would not be able to make good on the claim.
Prove both points. Other religious books do make this claim. Specifically the Koran-which is based on your same god!
As for the second point, you have yet to demonstrate why your god is the sole source of knowledge other than that your bible says so.
Therefore, the argument will only work for the Bible.
Which, as I've demonstrated, it doesn't.