RHJunior #homophobia rhjunior.livejournal.com

[Ashleigh Ball, voice actor of the MLP characters Rainbow Dash and Applejack, posted a picture of those two characters kissing each other in appreciation of World Pride Day.]

Ashleigh Ball burns her pinch of incense to the Emperor and posts a lesbian shipping picture of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Homosexuals everywhere rejoice as another cultural icon is torn down and whored out for their aggrandizement. I'm sure Hasbro deeply appreciates her lezzing out two of their characters so she can score suckup points with GLAAD.

Ashleigh Ball is who? The voice actor. She's not the characters. She's not the writer, creator, director, or producer, she's just the hired help that reads the lines. So sorry to disappoint you, kids, she doesn't get to say who Rainbow Dash or Applejack want to sex up. I hope to God someone in Hasbro has the brains and common sense to rake her over the coals for pulling a stunt like that.

Remember, kids, there's more than one way to be a girl-- unless you're a tomboy, or someone wants to score points with militant homosexuals, in which case you're just obviously a lesbian. No no, don't deny it... any contrary notions just mean you haven't explored your feelings enough yet. Preferably while another girl explores your genitalia. If you feel offended or violated or, God help you, if you protest, then you're a dirty filthy homophobe.

Remember, you and the rest of society exist just to prop up the tissue-paper self-esteem of two percent of the population obsessed with screwing their own gender!

The mane six are het. Why? Because that's the default setting. It's normal, it's healthy, and stamp your widdle feet all you like, it's how its supposed to be. You don't even need a passing grade in Biology 101 to figure that out. The "Cis-gendered" are not the deviation, GLBT crowd, YOU are, and deep down you know that. You are already obscenely over-represented. You want "tolerance?" You got tolerance already. You're demanding UNIVERSAL VALIDATION, which no matter how many pop-culture figures you turn into lesbians or trannies, you're not going to get. Hitch up your big girl panties and COPE. If you can't deal with being a rare abnormality without surrounding yourself with pretend lesbian characters, then maybe you've chosen the wrong "lifestyle" for you.



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