Our religion is the religion of all of mankind. The purpose of Divine laws and rulings is for them to be acted on. If you think so lowly of us and our religion and our shariah, then have the guts to leave the Muslims alone and stop interfering in their affairs. Let them fight it out and whoever wins...you can sign a treaty with them (nobody is going to cross the oceans and invade a nuclear power like the US) and then when they are finally free to establish their own state you can sit back and say look at how they rule...this is why we are better and why were are more rational and logical. But I don't think that will happen (the Islamic Khalifah has existed for centuries and ruled over much of the earth) and I think perhaps your people will finally look and see that what they have been told in terms of power, authority, governance, freedom, liberty, economics, and so forth...that it was a terrible lie. A terrible lie serving the devil and in defiance of God.
You could copy and paste them for me, how about that?
Arrogance without empathy. Your laws are the product of your primitive tribalism and will not be enforced upon your betters, barbaric animal. I would gladly die before being subjected to your control.
Funny how your kind cannot exist without excisising power over others of their kind, like some sort of perverse brain mutation ovverides your empathy when you perceive yourself even slightly threatened. Just like your entire belief system it is cowardice at the most basic levels of your sentience and I can barely convey just how much it disgusts me.
"Islamic Khalifah has existed for centuries"
...and because of an edict by a Muslim ruler - in what is now modern-day Azerbaijan - in the 17th Century, concerning the people who just happened to believe in a different Abrahamic deity, after the collapse of the USSR they received developmental aid from Israel , they have full diplomatic relations with that Jewish state, and is a very much western, pro -US country.
...that just happens to be Shia Muslim. Exactly like Iran.
You could take a look at this:
How about that?
Also, Jordan. NEXT!
"when they are finally free to establish their own state you can sit back and say look at how they rule..."
How is that working out for you in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, etc. . . .
"Let them fight it out and whoever wins...you can sign a treaty with them"
That would be the ideal solution unfortunately the US fundies insist on making us dependent on middle east oil and supporting Israeli fundieism.
"Our religion is the religion of all of mankind."
No, it isn't, and no matter how many "infidels" you kill just for not believing, you will not intimidate the rest of us into taking up your particular flavor of insanity.
"The purpose of Divine laws and rulings is for them to be acted on."
The purpose of Divine laws and rulings is to put the phony Uber-Master stamp of approval on whatever the beard-chewing control freaks want you to do. ... but by all means,
the Islamic Khalifah has existed for centuries and ruled over much of the earth
Much of the Earth? Well, if you define "much" as "everything I can see from the top of the minaret at my local mosque in downtown Baghdad," then yes, much.
"Our religion is the religion of all of mankind."
And those that worship Chaos or some other deity than God Emporer shall fall to the Inquisition!!
Serious note: There are other faiths. You fail
"Our religion is the religion of all of mankind."
So they all say. The christians said it before you and the jews before them, and that's just Yahweh's bootlickers. The South American empires thought the same of their gods. The Chinese of theirs. The old Europeans of theirs.
There are already Muslim theocracies and we can see how they rule. All too often it's in a Draconian, oppressive way limiting the lives and even thoughts of their citizens for no good reason. If to do otherwise is in defiance of God, well screw that guy.
"and then when they are finally free to establish their own state you can sit back and say look at how they rule..."
Too late for that, retard.
"Let them fight it out and whoever wins...you can sign a treaty with them (nobody is going to cross the oceans and invade a nuclear power like the US) and then when they are finally free to establish their own state you can sit back and say look at how they rule..."
I'm all for it, except: 1. We don't need to sign any treaties with any Mooslims. Or have much to do with any Mooslims other than basic trade 2. Moohamadans are already invading, via immigration. Which needs to stop and why I voted for Trump. 3. Those like Ted McGriff need to go out there to work or fight for their caliphate. 4. There need to be punitive measures for Mooslims interfering in affairs of others via terrorism or otherwise.
With all the above, I'm all for it!
"Jordan. Your argument is invalid. "
Moose: Has to be about 6 now
bob: 0
If only FSTDT has some kind of mercy rule, bob, Jerry, and the Trumpette would not be posting here after being pwned in every thread they post in.
And Caamib wouldn't have been posting at all after his humiliation with all his other screen names
...and for an encore:
"Moohamadans are already invading, via immigration. Which needs to stop and why I voted for Trump"
Where is Donald Fart's birth certificate...?! [/Col. Tom Parker]
...oh, and here is someone who is utterly evil, is only out for his own interests, and supports terrorism:
And Hussain Sajwani, CEO of DAMAC Group.
As Donald Fart has already been declared a race traitor by some on 4chan's /pol/ for his appointing someone from Goldman Sachs, a question: would a patriotic American have any truck with 'Mooslims'?
...or golf cart?
Now watch booby move those goalposts...!
And if Wiggy's not doing anything about his own country's home-grown terrorists - militias etc - therefore...! [/Vanilla ISIS]
Purely trivial aside: isn't the normal transliteration "Caliphate"?
have the guts to leave the Muslims alone and stop interfering in their affairs. Let them fight it out and whoever wins...you can sign a treaty with them
I know the OP meant this sarcastically but frankly, it's not such a horrible idea. It couldn't possibly turn out worse than our intervention did and it'd be a lot cheaper.
It can be (and probably is) all three.
The "mooslim" thing would almost be clever if they revered cows like the Hindus. As it stands, however, it just makes you look like a 2nd grader who's struggling with this week's new vocabulary list. At least try to come up with an insult that makes sense .
The reason why secular westerners hate hypocritical eastern retards.
Especially Turkish Jewish Nazis, who are Kuk's Profiterole. >:D
You're a Cuck .
@1998899: Well, what would you suggest? Should we have assassinated them? Invaded a sovereign nation because we didn't like who they were putting into power? Look what happened last time we did that - we spent a bunch of money, got a bunch of people killed, and eventually gave up when it became clear that nothing was ever going to get done. I'd rather just cut to the chase.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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