Anna Diehl #fundie

"God told me” is one of the most abused statements in Christendom. But guess what? It’s the only basis on which you’re trusting in all of those biblical authors. Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul, Peter, John—all of these folks claimed to know what they knew based on revelations from God. How do you know that they weren’t deluded? How do you know we’re not deluded? Today the Church is stuffed to the gills with prophets, preachers, and theologians who are all making the same claim: “I know what I know because God told me.” When Christians claim that the Bible is inerrant, what they’re really saying is, “None of those people who said ‘God told me’ could possibly be wrong.” Well, since when? Just because some ancient Church father decided to blindly accept the claims of Moses, Paul, and Peter, does that mean you should do the same? Paul claimed to receive direct revelations from Jesus. We could make the same claim, but we say that a lot of what Paul says was wrong. Whose “God told me” should you give higher priority to—ours or Paul’s? Should you be blindly trusting in a bunch of dead people who you never knew personally? You don’t know us any better than you know Paul, so on what basis can you trust anything that we say about God?

Everyone who is making claims about God is either saying “God told me” or they’re standing on someone else’s “God told me.” There is no other authority, for if God isn’t telling somebody something, then there is no truth to be had. God is the only Source of truth, and the Church is filled with folks who are claiming to have some special pipeline to Divine revelation. But here’s the thing: someone else’s revelations are worthless to you until God confirms them to you. You must seek God’s confirmation directly—and that means asking the Holy Spirit to show you if there is any truth to what you’re being told. If you don’t do this and you try to ride on the confidence of other people, guess what? You’re going to crash and burn. If He sees that you are refusing to trust Him as the Supreme Authority in your life, God will intentionally shipwreck your faith. How do you think all of these pompous prophets and anointed windbags got into the sorry shape they’re in today? When we defy God, He retaliates with discipline, and blinding us to truth is one of His favorite tactics to use on those who think they can find wisdom apart from Him.

There is no wisdom apart from God. Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the only Ones you can absolutely trust—everyone else must be viewed with suspicion. Maybe you think everything we write is spot on correct and you feel like God is confirming the truth of our messages to your soul. Does that mean you can stop seeking Him and start accepting us as stand-ins for the Holy Spirit in your life? Absolutely not. Good teachers go bad. Humans are not above error. We could write some brilliant bit of truth one day and put out a pile of irreverent rot the next. You can’t count on people. People are not perfect. Only God is perfect.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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