Taineberry #fundie linda-goodman.com

The Controllers of Earth are "Archons". They are said to be Reptilian but to be frank, there is no objective evidence of their species. One Clairvoyant calls them "Velons" from another of the Universe's 13 Dimensions, and they are said to be Ostracized for interfering with the Free Will of Humanity. These beings are said to be able to live without evolving for millenia, and eat the negative emotions of Humans. They need wars and bloodshed to keep their food coming. They Possess Humans with certain Genetics [The 13 Bloodlines of the Dark Illuminati] and the Gnostic Illuminati are their sworn Enemies. Both factions of Illuminati utilize Universal Law, and both think the rest of Humanity is sh*t.

None of them were ready for the influx of fresh Star Seed Souls, hence the desperation of CIA, NSA etc for worldwide monitoring of Humanity. Imatgine if a Brazilian Tribal gets a Magneto's Powers and starts sinking the 5th Fleet with a mere thought? What if an Indian boy in some village can mentally disarm every Nuke in the World? What if an Eskimo kid whose Soul is from Arcturus beams a frequency that heals every Tumor? What will happen to the trillions of dollars of Big Pharma investment for creating cancerous cells in Humanity and milking the insurance companies?

So you see, the Global Controllers are worried sick about Star Seeds. They project some of their worries via their Hollywood slaves, so that more and more gifted people will think "Oh, such things happen only in movies", and stay in denial of their capabilities. I hope we are all clear about the concept now, and about the importance of Star Seeds.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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