Rhododesian #racist opendemocracy.net

I don't think you go far enough. I'm a Chinese-American, born and raised in the west, well versed in western culture and free from China's cultural climate. I despise liberal democracy, equality, and other retrograde values that the west seems to love. The "white left" describes a phenomenon that goes beyond cultural barriers. People around the world have noticed that whites, at least northern/western Europeans, have a problematic level of compassion that overcomes rationality. This is why they believe that equality is a good thing, or that empathy is a substitute for actual politics. One does not need to actually live in western society to realize that hierarchy and social inequity are the hallmarks of higher civilization, and that undue sympathy for the "little guy" is inherently damaging to the core (i.e. privileged) demographics that make up a nation. Your criticism of the anti-baizuo movement is therefore lacking in global and historical context. Your assumption that racism or bigotry is a bad thing without further examination is surreal, and indicative of your own disconnect from the rest of humanity. The Chinese critics are right. The west is not a legitimate standard. It is not at all superior, morally or intellectually. The idea that people are/should be equals is a profound form of ignorance. Their ideas need to be challenged, undermined, and replaced. Liberal democracy, and its accompanying values represent a small bubble created by the minds of white men. It is not normal, and rightly criticized by non-whites as the dangerous, backwards, emotionally incontinent ideology that it is. Its critics in China simply articulate it better than others. As Chinese, you and I have a responsibility to change western countries from within so that they match the experiences of humanity in general. We should be pushing for moral and cultural reforms to normalize their countries, not buying into their failed ideas just because they "sound nice".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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