4 different posters #racist blogs.news.sky.com

(Did I stumble onto Stormfront by mistake? Anyway...

rough diamond(OP):
Is London a fit venue to hold the Olympics?

After all, it does not represent the English people in any form or understanding as it is full of immigrants.

Would Manchester or Leeds not be a better venue as Birmingham and Bradford are definitely out?

Dr. Strangelove:

My family and I will be moving to Scotland for the duration.

As far away from the dirty bomb as possible.

No, the venue is right. We should also be having events in Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds and Manchester.

Each medal winner should be given an immigrant family, along with his medal (maybe gold should get 2), to take home with him.
The sh!t bagging Government have been putting Brits down and ethnicly cleansing them for eleven years in favour of every immigrant and ethnic minority - it's time the Brits stood up and be heard!
Dr. Strangelove again:
Everything this Government does is a race or Muslim issue.

Hence the building of Europes largest Mosque as part of the Olympic bid.



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