As Boris 'Bozo The Clown' Johnson - Britain's equivalent of Donald Fart; ego bigger than The Shard, and stupid hair to match - will tell you:
One doesn't need to be physically touched to have their life utterly annihilated.
Et Tu, Gove...?!
There's someone already regretting his decision, re 'Brexit': it's Broxed him! And as I've said, all it takes is just one 'Leave' voter to lose their job as a direct result of that referendum...!
I bet the editor of "The Daily Excess" is regretting the previous day's headline: that Bozo The Clown would be confirming his running for leadership of the Conservative Party. I bet you're gonna look complete twats come today's headline.
Sadiq Khan is standing atop Bozo's corpse and calling billy-boy an inferior subhuman for thinking that Jo Cox's murder wouldn't make her a martyr. And he - a Muslim with a Fatwa out on him for his pro-LGBT campaigning - didn't even touch him. It's Michael Gove's prints on that knife in Bozo the Clown's chest.
'You couldn't make it up', as Richard Littlebrain would say. But as David Cameron has said, Bozo did. He - pro-Remain - has been proved right, nay, vindicated. Can you say 'Pyrrhic Victory', o 'Leave' voters? Especially you, Bozo? Oh yes, that's right: after Gove the Cove murdered your political career today, you certainly can't. Your trip on that Parliamentary 'Greasy Pole' is now on a terminal downward course; further lubricated by the blood from Gove stabbing you in the front, coupled with your butthurt-salted tears.
Funny how memberships of the Labour Party have increased in less than a week, post-Brexit. That's what the murder of what you call a 'Cultural Marxist' will do, I guess.
You rightists plant these argumental Claymore mine arrays, hoping that we 'Leftists' will blindly stumble into them. When all you lot do is walk into them yourselves: your own arguments blow up in your own faces.
Boris 'Bozo the Clown' Johnson. The retarded behaviour. The idiotic hair.
Donald Fart has yet to be favoured by the GOP.
As per what's happened since the EU referendum, the phrase used by MPs in Parliament 'A week is a long time in politics' has been proved right. Thus between now & the next few months - certainly between now & the Repubican Convention - is an eternity, Wiggy.