Issac #fundie

Some facts about Darwin and Lyell that most evolutionists don't want you to know:

1) Neither Darwin or Lyell had "any" degrees in science.
2) Darwin's only degree was in theology. He was going to be a preacher before he boarded the Beagle (ship).
3) Lyell had a degree in being a lawyer. But he wrote the book that made Darwin question God.
4) In the day that Darwin earned his degree in theology, what they taught was Bible literalism. Which also means that Darwin was taught and believed in the literal six day creation. Which would make him a YEC before he rejected God to write his theory.
5) Lyell was basically a Bible scoffer who hated God, and used a type of intelligent peer pressure technique to convince people to his way of thinking. Which basically told people that unless they believed the way he did, they would be deemed as ignorant and uneducated. And as you probably know this same technique is used by evolutionists even today.

So if you ever wondered why evolution seemed so well put together to conflict with YEC. You have to remember that the person who wrote it turned against YEC because of the peer pressure Lyell wrote in his book. And if you wonder where the actual idea came from for man coming from animals. It was from part of Darwins teachings where he had to learn about other pagan religions while earning that theology degree. So the idea that man came from animals can be traced back to the time of Moses. Where Egyptian religion believed this, and their gods were half man half animal. So evolution actually has it's roots in Pagan religion, and Darwin was not the originator of that idea. He just made it popular, and introduced it to science as a way to replace God and the Bible that he had rejected.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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