The weak, effeminate evolutionist bear has been caught by the creationist bear trap! If only he had the teeth of truth and claws of logic that creationists bears have!
Well bears aren't effeminate, though some might like those who are. XD
If only he had the teeth of truth and claws of logic that creationists bears have!
Truth, like the Earth was created 6000 years ago and logic like this...
Creationist she bears need sharp claws and teeth:
2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
(@ Ironchew)
"Mmm...bearclaws of logic..."
*pic omitted*
Damn it, (wo)man! Must you post such displays of yummy pastries in the morning when I crave them most?!
You can claim superiority to the Theory of Evolution all you like. You can call it effeminate, toothless, hell you can call it a theory for losers that sit in their mother's basement. The only thing that matters is which theory produces results. ToE explains the diversity of life, explains the data we see in genetics, predicts where to find intermediary fossils (Tiktaalik is a stunning example of this) and helps us fight off drug resistant bacteria. Until creationism can produce anything of value I don't care if you say that creationism is the lovechild of Rambo and Teddy Roosevelt. The "manliness" of an idea has nothing to do with the truth of it. And anyway, if you're looking for something manly the Vikings have Christian creationism beaten to a pulp.
This person is almost certainly Ken DeMeyer or 'Conservative' from Conservapedia.
The writing style is the same and so is the association with Terry Koeckritz.
If it is not him, it is an unusually skilled impostor.
You have got to be shitting me. Is this inept analogy the best you could come up with? Meanwhile, public textbooks have no mentions of creationism and the scientific community churns out great volumes of scientific papers and works which prove evolution right, and creationists are simply sitting on their asses collecting dust and occasionally taking pathetic potshots like this.
>>weak, effeminate ... bear<<
Those two words do not go together. Male grizzlies may be bigger, but females still weigh in at up to 200 kilos. And, as Wikipedia says:
"Increased aggressiveness also assists female grizzlies in better ensuring the survival of their young to reproductive age. Mothers defending their cubs are the most prone to attacking, being responsible for 70% of fatal injuries to humans."
Which in turns leads to .
But I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that someone didn't do the research.
I dare you to pass between an "effeminate" bear and her cub. Then you'll see for yourself that she has teeth and claws. It will probably be the last thing you do, though...
Where were you with your truth and logic, when Michael Behe needed them in the Kitzmiller vs Dover trial?
What's the matter with effeminate bears? "Mama Bears" are really badass when their cubs are threatened, after all.
Or maybe he means "bears" in the gay male sense... in which case "effeminate bear" is an obvious contradiction.
Wait, was he talking about evolution or something? Because all I see is a lot of bear talk.
a bear in a bear trap is trapped, no matter its teeth or claws. that's why it's called a bear trap.
so the metaphor is perfect, as creationists and normal people talk at totally cross purposes, the normal people using reason and evidence, the creationists using half baked allegories. it's impossible to argue against half baked allegories, no matter how well reasoned your arguments are.
this shit's so meta.
Weak? Effeminate? How profoundly misogynistic, OP person.
Oh, like the others said...She-Bears are like SUPER-POWERED!!
Actually this metaphor does work. See creationists are big and strong but also stupid, so unlike the smart evolutionists they devout their time to where it's suited, at menial physical labor. Also they're cowards, which is why despite their physical strength and toughness they have to set traps for evolutionists, because they know they could never win in a fair intellectual debate.
Evolution is a Liberal Lie
I think liberals of all sorts should take any and every opportunity to mention that adherence to Young Earth Creationism and the Republican Party agenda are two entities that are inseparably intertwined.
It's irrelevant if that's really true or not. A good number of Republicans wouldn't mind a bit and would, in fact, be very pleased.
The results in the ballot boxes would be glorious: for the Democrats.
Creationists with truth and logic? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
By the way, you guys are no threat to real science. You might slow down scientific advances, but the rest of humanity will advance without you.
Hmm. It's the "weak, effeminate" hounds that adapted successfully to living and being fed by humans and the teeth-and-claws macho hounds that ended up hunted and starved to death, now all but forgotten.
sorry but evolutionist bear is a girl. Nice shoes, frock, apron, huge teeth and really big claws.
Please do not use the words CREATIONIST and LOGIC in the same sentence. The entire framework of reality shakes when you do.
@Rabbit of Caerbannog
This person sounds like he's dumb enough to get his tongue stuck in a mousetrap.
Mind if I steal that. That's almost as good as Foghorn Leghorn's immortal "that boy, I say, that boy is about as sharp as a sack of wet mice."
I first thought "holy crap, this sounds like Conservative from Conservapedia", and then realised that the page has the Darwin pic from Conservative's blogs.
The guy just has a penchant for metaphors that do not exactly sound as graceful as they should be.
Calling BEARS effeminate!?
And yeah, go bother a mother bear's cub, Darwin Award yourself right out of the gene pool.
Go for it : )
I went to the site that @MarylandBear linked to. The site seems to operate on the concept that logic can be used to justify and prove Christianity ala William Laine Craig style. Philisophical doubletalk, it works with the believers because they're conditioned to lecture style preaching, they accept assertions such as 2 billion people can't be wrong and Christianity wouldn't be around for 2000 years if it wasn't true.
It's bullshit when Craig uses it and it's bullshit when sites play the same game. In fact it's infuriating bullshit because they're just teaching people to demand intellectual respect by asserting it's logical, intelligent, better for mankind and healthier to believe in the Bible.
Yes, it's one of those sites that claims healthcare, science, education, compassion, democracy and all laws derive from the Bible.
Only 10% of the bears have the wisdom teeth to break the creationist net of stupidity.
Natural selection ensures within future generations, 100% will have inherited the teeth from the 10% of survivors.
Evolution wins again.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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