Ron Prentice ("CEO" of of the California Family Council) #fundie

The marriage relationship – between only a man and a woman – is God-ordained. For thousands of years societies have endorsed and supported the marriage covenant because of the benefits that marriage provides to women, men, and especially children. Same-sex "marriage" is the most radical human experiment yet, putting children at risk and threatening generational stability! The purpose of marriage has been undermined so that now the Supreme Court of California has determined that marriage is only about two adults, Party A and Party B. If the traditional definition of marriage is not restored and placed into the California constitution, every child in public school will be indoctrinated to believe there is no difference between traditional and homosexual marriages, and “marriage” will continue its decline as an institution. This is precisely the goal of the pro-homosexual agenda.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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