EPIC LEVEL CHEMISTRY FAIL. [Took AP Chem last year. Got a 4/5 on the AP test, and 770/800 on the SAT II subject test. Think I know what I'm talking about here.]
"Is the solution you work with under more the one atmosphere of pressure?"
That has nothing to do with the property of corrosiveness. Or of chemical bonding for that matter. Oh, and it's also naturally occuring, so it does exist at STP - meaning at one atmosphere of pressure - and is stable at that pressure. Irrelevant point.
"Is this pressure used to holding the bonding of the extra oxygen molecule, also used in the chemical you work with?"
NO. It is chemically bonded, and will remain so in all pressure conditions.
"So extra oxygen in water would do what? "
Oh, I don't know, maybe KILL YOU? [sidenote: it is used as an antibacterial at times, but only in small amounts and limited concentrations, and usually externally or on an object surface. it is extremely dangerous to drink it.]
"Apparently this guy posted a thread claiming that water bonds with an extra oxygen molecule during the spring and summer months, and becomes H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)"
Complete nonsense. Such bonding doesn't happen by itself. Water is pretty stable. And where would that extra oxygen come from? Oxygen in the air is already bonded to itself in pairs (as O2 molecules) and doesn't break on its own.
Not sure how this is fundy (I don't see a relationship with any fundamentalist religious beliefs) But it is certainly stupid beyond belief. This person needs to take a chem class. And get a life. I don't see how the existence of H2O2 denies the existence of God in any way.
EDIT: It's fundy because it was posted on Bibleforums, and is presumably related to earlier posts claiming that God created H2O2 for our drinking, that H2O2 is dangerous and therefore doesn't exist, that God makes water turn into H2O2 in spring/summer to turn it blue, and/or any other past fundy conclusions related to H2O2 and water.