["We live in an Orthodox neighborhood, and most people here don't have T.V. or video games. However, one of my 7-year-old son's friends plays video games, and lately he's been begging me to buy him one. I try to explain that they're not allowed, but it isn't getting through to him. How can I get him to stop asking me for them?"]
[T]here is no easy answer for this one. You simply cannot let your son be exposed to poison like this. Either you ban him from going to the kid's house, or make an agreement with his mother that there will be no video game playing or any similar activities going on when your son goes to their house. Personally, the first choice is harder, but I believe it's better for your son in the long run. If they're already letting their kid play games, who knows what else is going on in their supposed Torah-observant home?
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