bill-11b #fundie
Islam is a disgusting belief set that preaches violence, rape, and hatred not just towards outsiders, but towards it’s own followers as well.
Child marriage and rape, death penalties for female rape victims labeled as adulterers, death penalties for gays, sex slavery, etc are all very prevalent in modern day middle eastern islam.
I find it to be a repugnant belief system that should have been left in the pages of history hundreds of years ago.
That being said, I don’t expect to change the world, nor do I have an interest in killing 1.6 billion people across Africa, the ME, Asia, and Europe.
However, I think islam as a belief system needs to be completely eradicated and forgotten like the cancer that it is.
Here’s the part that’s unpopular:
As long as islamists either insist on carrying out attacks in the west, or not standing up to those who do, islam has no place in the western world.
We should run raze mosques and run them the fuck out of our countries, right back to their third world shitholes, where they can brutalize and rape one another to death for all I care. |
Yes, that is collectivist. No, I don’t give a fuck.
The constitution is an ideal document. We live in reality, not in utopia.
Sometimes you have to do some shit that you don’t like to protect your own way of life. If they don’t want to play ball, fuck em.
If you don’t like that plan, then I implore you, please, explain to me how we determine who is a peaceful moderate, and who is a fundamentalized jihadist?
Keep in mind
All of those friendly people were peaceful moderates.
Until they weren’t.