Evolution also expects us to believe that a lizard saw some insects, flapped its arms and sprouted wings?
Well, no actually. But, even so, how is that harder to believe than a magic, invisible man thinking the world into existence?
I can't even be bothered with evolution quotes anymore. They want to wallow in their ignorance, fine, let them, there's (unfortunately) no laws against stupidity.
No, evolution says that two compsognathids saw an insect and jumped off a tree to get at it. One had little skin flaps that let him glide a bit and get the bug, while the other fell to its death. The one with skin flaps went on to have many children, which repeated the cycle.
"Evolution also expects us to believe that a lizard saw some insects, flapped its arms and sprouted wings?"
Which textbook did you get that from?
"Evolution also expects us to believe that a lizard saw some insects, flapped its arms and sprouted wings?"
Well, that's a load of bullshit, but that's still nothing! The bible expects you to believe that if a goat looks at stripes while copulating, it will bring forth striped offspring.
yuna kenobi, ben kenobi's sister perhaps.
The force is weak in this one.. and
Evolution doesn't expect you to do anything, just as gravity or photosynthesis doesn't expect you to do anything.
In the words of Vampire-Willow: Bored now...
"Evolution also expects us to believe that a lizard saw some insects, flapped its arms and sprouted wings?"
As opposed to... Creation, which expects us to accept that a dirt-man & a woman cloned from said dirt-man's rib was persuaded to eat a magic fruit, by a legless lizard that could talk ?:
...oh wait, you're serious ?!:
Let me laugh harder.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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