[Are you saying that if a church doesn't believe in "once saved, always saved" that it is a cult?]
My mother-in-law is church of God and does not belive in eternal security. We differ on this issue, but I don't believe she is in a cult. LOL I believe the author of what I posted was saying that cult leaders will use their followers circumstances to make them feel they have no salvation except through them and what they are teaching. That's how I understood it anyway. People who are involved in cults are usually those that have very low self esteem issues, have never really been taught the Scriptures and need assurance of SOMETHING. They'll fall for anything, and cult leaders know that. So they play on their insecurities.
[So close, yet so far away. Bro. Randy must be wiping the sweat from his brow]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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