Laura Wood #racist
Because while race is not everything, it is fundamentally important, and racial differences are very real. Miscegenation represents an active denial of one’s own race and culture. A white woman who marries a black man will produce black children, and has therefore directly contributed to the ongoing displacement of white people in their own lands. By making that choice she has shattered the bonds that tied her to her own people.
America is not and was never intended to be a Proposition Nation, where all the peoples of the world are welcome and equally American. America was created by European people who were fleeing from what they perceived to be tyranny. Only Europeans were capable of creating and maintaining such a nation. It is no coincidence that the more diverse we get, the less free we are. Loyalty to the Proposition Nation is anti-American.
Some people may consider what I’ve written above to be harsh, blunt or mean-spirited. In any honest discussion on sensitive issues, that’s the risk you take by speaking your mind. But I think it’s a natural and justified reaction to half a century of white-bashing. The truth is that whites are being held to a higher standard. A phony conservative would cite George Bush’s ’soft bigotry of low expectations’ because these cretins never miss an opportunity to pander to minorities. In truth, whites are the victims here. We are the only people who are being prevented from sticking to our own kind and freely associating with our kin to the exclusion of others. The point is no less valid just because self-loathing whites instigated this and wish to exterminate their own people. They and the minorities they manipulate are both driven by envy. And we will deal with the white traitors in due course.
For my part I don’t need any token minorities like Michael Steele to speak on my behalf. And my race and civilization certainly doesn’t need to justify its right to exist to anyone. We WILL survive whether you like it or not. The smart minorities know where their bread is buttered, and are grateful to live in our societies. As someone pointed out, the minorities’ opinions don’t count for squat when it comes to our survival. We refuse to be dispossessed, physically exterminated or absorbed through intermarriage. We won’t go away to make failed societies or ethnic groups feel better about themselves.