Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com
For some reason, the deliberately-injected moral and mental cancer known as 'liberalism', aka 'progressivism' has always seemed to metastasize faster in the Nordic countries, particularly Scandinavian ones. This phenomenon is also observable among the American descendants of Scandinavian immigrants in places like Minnesota and Wisconsin.
The hypothesis of this reporter is that the innate, perhaps even genetic, altruism and human compassion of Nordic folk renders them more vulnerable to manipulation of both the heart and mind. Though the reason for advanced Scandinavian libtardism may not be concrete; one thing is for certain - Sweden is the insanest of the European insane asylums.
There is so much wrong with the politically correct descendants of the Viking 'bad boys' of antiquity -- highest divorce rates in the world, highest suicide rates in Europe, crushing taxation which forces 90% of new mothers back into the work force, a below replacement level birth rate, perhaps the most liberal open-borders policy in Europe, laws against "hate speech", rampant homosexuality and genderless-ness, anti-White self hate, virtually state-imposed Atheism, a female Defense Minister, TV shows and commercials that can be described as soft-core pornography, and, worst of all, snobby ruling class "elites" so absorbed in their smug self-righteousness that they make people like Lizzie Borden Warren seem cool and relaxed.
Now don't misunderstand. We are certain that there are still many masculine men and feminine ladies in Sweden. But the fact that the modern ranks of the true Vikings are steadily shrinking, particularly among the younger generation, is something that several of our Scandinavian readers have confirmed for us.